Sunday, July 6, 2008

When They Ring Those IRON Bells

The Internet being worldwide it is hard to make a relative illustration that fits all cultures. However one that comes very close is the object of a bell, in this case a church bell. Not too long ago I was preaching in an open air meeting in Ohio. The setting was very rural and before our service started, I heard something familiar in the distance--a church bell, its clapper was clanging for all the countryside to know, its the Lord's day, come to His house and worship Him. There are many churches throughout the USA and Europe and other parts of the world that still use the church bell as the call to worship. I have always wanted to be a bell ringer, but never have been in a church that had a steeple or bell tower to take part in that ministry. Yes it is a ministry and a profound if not overlooked one.

The first aspect that draws me to bell ringing is to see the witness in it. Most folks may think it as an antique oddity left over from a century ago and its more entertaining than practical. However, a good sounding bell has a great message behind it. The message is simply, "Jesus is alive, we are meeting to worship and celebrate that in our lives. We want you and all who hear it to come and do the same."

The next part of this message is that by ringing the bell, its echoes are sending a clear distinct call. for hope and deliverance. Many times a weary soul that has been downtrodden with life has been reported uplifted by hearing the clear distinct peals of a bell tower. Now the bell itself gives no hope. Whether they connect it or not however, it is the place of the bell and the One who is worshipped in that place that gives them hope. For example, courthouses and schools all have had bells, these places don't produce a shred of hope. Why? Its not because they aren't a good institution but they are a worldly one. And by that I mean that Jesus Christ is not represented there. They are an institution that has no different message than any other worldly secular influence.

The third aspect of bell ringing is that the message is Loud and Clear. So much of Christianity today has been watered down and compromised to make it more of an "attractive" message. But a bell makes one tone, its deafening for it cares not who complains of its volume. The bell is not muffled but amplified in itself by the shape of its housing. We as Christians are called to be Loud in the sense of being openly vocal with the Message of Christ we are entrusted with. That message must not only be vocalized, but clear. Clarity is the heart of any messages intent. If we do not tell the whole message of Christ, then we are not doing as He asked nor are we pleasing Him. The world deals in half truths. It is looking for the whole truth. We have privilege to tell the whole truth clearly.

If by chance you are in a place that you hear church bell(s) ringing, take note of them and remember to appreciate their tolling. May we also be instruments of God's message ringing loudly and clearly across the miles of our existence the ringing of Hope found only in Jesus Christ.
For a great bell ringing video click below

Image on this blog compliments of photographer Ian Britton and

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