Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Read Ephesians 2:8-10

If you have grown up in church or attended for a while, you have probably heard people say that they are “works in progress” meaning they are not perfect but are headed that way. It is important to realize this. It is more important though to see ourselves as the work of a master craftsman. We should sit down and ponder our lives before God as believers and check our progress to see what has been done in the past year, month or week. How have we grown spiritually and are we on track with God’s plans for our lives.

Paul relates us to a common object of his day. Idols. Now don’t be alarmed that I liken us to idols, but in the locality where the Ephesian church was, the dominant industry was the making and selling of idols primarily to worship the goddess Diana, a fertility and sexual perversion “deity.” The Christian is none of this; however, with the skill these idol makers carved and shaped likenesses of their pagan god. We as Paul compares and contrasts are the likeness of our God, the Lord Jesus. Examine what he says about us in this light.

1.      We are the work of God himself.
The idol makers of Ephesus were fallible man. They could not make a perfect anything no matter how skilled they were. Diana should have produced her own “works” among men, but she too was a dumb idol of uselessness save the intentions Satan had for the idea of her being. God on the other hand created everything that is in the world and beyond it. God creates living things not dead ones. Paul once likened us to stones. No stones are alive that build temples, but we as believers are living building blocks that actually do something! God himself fashioned each of us specifically and uniquely. God made us to be His servants, but He also gave us a will and a set of talents that others do not possess.

2.      We are specifically created for good.
Note that we are intended for building up and glorifying God, not men. The idol makers of Ephesus were in the trade for the money and their own self-gratification. They would extort sums from weak minded dupes of darkness for “promises” of prosperity and other favors that the great goddess they served would provide. Contrastingly, God is not in it for the money or the worldly virtues. Remember how Jesus drove the moneychangers from the temple? These wicked men were doing the same thing as the Ephesian idolaters. God is not in the business of bondage. God created us to be instruments of righteousness and light to a world that needs hope, not driven farther into darkness. The reason why the Christian is offensive to the world system is because he or she uncovers the real motives of sinful practice. What good are you created for? Every Christian is to be a herald or a forth teller of the salvation of God and the entrance to His kingdom by and through only Jesus Christ. Beyond that there are some as Paul says given to be teachers, some evangelists, some encouragers, some who are hospitable and so forth.

3.      We are predestined to act and serve for the good.
Whatever your gift or talent may be (and you do have at least one) it is given you for the healing of the world and the manifesting of the Gospel to those around you. You are the rescue team sent down to help. You are the doctor with the cure. You are the mechanic with the tools. You are the locksmith with the keys. You are here to help deliver under God’s power. This mission is what you were born and fashioned to do. You have no commands or commission to do evil or to turn others away. It may be said that the wood or metal those idol makers used were predestined to be images of Diana, but you have been chosen far higher and nobler than these. What honor is it to be the servant of something that cannot even speak for itself? Yet God speaks to you and through you in His Spirit and in His Word, the Bible. There is no higher honor than to be commissioned by Royal Decree for the mission of Hope. It is what you were made for, anything less would be a shame and waste.

Are we works in progress? Oh yes. Every day we are growing and being shaped. However in our shaping, we reflect our Maker before the eyes of a watching world. So as you are being worked on, let others see that joy in you each and every day. You are His workmanship!

Lord, help me to be all that You want me to be. May I not go in my own strength to do my own things, but in full realization of the fact that I am Yours and created for You and Your service. Help me not to lead others astray but that they would see You in me. Amen. 

*image courtesy of creation swap