Wednesday, December 23, 2009



Dear Friends, the day is upon us. The Day which Christ decided to physically intervene in the course of our lives. The Christmas season has always been a busy one and its that busyness that has muffled the true meaning of Christmas. I am guilty of it as much as any of us. It used to be that folks would crowd the now nearly extinct 7 or 8 story Department Stores downtown to find their wishes, now its declining but we hit the malls, but now more than ever, Christmas is becoming a cyber thing. Online shopping has stretched its arms around the populous to try to make our lives easier this time of the year. Not then nor now has life been easier, but Christ came not to make life easy but to make it better.

A better life is not a life of stuff or popularity, its a life that enjoys the blessings of Eternal Life by knowing Christ as Saviour and letting Him direct us. We make most of our own misery. The better life lets Christ make the decisions. The greatest decision that can be made has been made at Christmas, to allow you to come to Him with no stings attached. Have you made room in your heart for Him? Does Christ still bear the top priority with you?

As the world increases its commercialism what its really trying to do is cover over the gloom that exists. When Christ came to this world, His announcement came with great glory as the windows of Heaven were opened. Just as this physical expression shown light into a dark world, so to does the Saviour when He comes to live in the human heart. A heart that has hurt can be helped and a soul that searches needs no more tiring journeys of searching anymore.

This Christmas, wherever you are, remember the Greatest Gift, and remember that it has your name on it. Share that Gift with others if you should so have the opportunity. Please reflect this in your heart, "The Reason For The Season" is often forgot by us, but the Reason never once has forgotten us.

Christmas Blessings to you and I trust the New Year will find you well...and maybe this will be the year when we are received up into Glory to see and live with Him that bore our griefs and carried our sorrows, Who loves us to the End.

Merry Christmas
Jon Browning
Hebrews 13:20-21