Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Faces Of Freedom

America will turn 232 years this coming 4th of July.  We are still on the world map.  We are still free.  We still produce heroes who fight to maintain this freedom.  I am most proud to be an American.  I became even more proud when I recently learned that one of my ancestors was one of the "first" Americans, those who came to the shores of Massachusetts in 1620 on the Mayflower.  But I am most proud of the photo in today's entry.  The picture is of the deck crew and officers aboard the USS Feland, APA-11 in 1943 somewhere in the Pacific theatre of World War II.  The man kneeling at the far right is my grandfather, J. Ralph Pierson, who recently was ushered into Heaven last year.  This photo is probably like ones you have in your home that a relative brought back with them.  You may not know anyone else in the photo.  It is very likely that in a group, several of the men or women died in combat not long after the photo was taken.  

No matter what war or conflict, these are the faces of our American freedom.  Freedom which does not come easily or naturally unless someone pays the sacrifice of their safety and/or in many cases, their lives that you and I may sit in comfort and ease, writing blogs, mowing the lawn, enjoying a trip or vacation, and going to worship the Lord at your church.

The embodiment of Freedom however spans far beyond what we know of in America or in the world.  This world for you and me, no matter how free or how oppressed, still ends, and it ends in eternal punishment.  Do you ever wonder what happens to a person when they die?  No maybe not.  We don't care to think about it.  But we will not only think about it one day, but experience it. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that all men will die and when they do, comes judgement.  This sort of judgement is living in a tormented awful place called Hell.  Living there forever, with no hope of leaving is far worse than living under a Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, or any worldly tyrant. The sadness of it is that no one chooses to live in a country where a dictator's rule is life itself, but ALL men and women CHOOSE where they go when they die. The Bible plainly tells us that we were born into sin (Psalm 51:5) and the penalty for sin is eternal separation from God (Romans 6:23).  BUT

Jesus Christ, the Liberator, has made it possible for you and I to have freedom from this penalty we have.  No one or no act can do what He can do.  We as Earth dwellers have no way to negotiate or rectify anything apart from this world.  Souls of men and women are apart from this world.  People in parts of the world can sometimes buy their freedom, but we cannot buy our souls freedom.  Simply put, we don't have the right kind of payment.  It takes the sinless blood of Christ, which we don't have in and of ourselves.  By simply asking Him to pay the penalty for your sins and asking Christ to come in your heart will liberate you from the condemnation that awaits every person when they die.  He will also change your life and you will have a desire to live as He did which is far better than the slop this world dictates.  

The phrase, "Freedom Isn't Free" is correct in this world and in Eternity.  Earthly freedom costs our brave Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Aviators and all service people their lives.  Eternal freedom cost Christ His life too.  He didn't have to come and liberate us, but He chose to.  The face of Freedom is the face of Jesus Christ.  Will you make this Independence Day your new day of Freedom from what awaits you?

1 comment:

Jesse Waggoner said...

Jon, thanks for the reminders about freedom, I am glad I can enjoy it in both senses. Also a cool picture of your grandfather.