Monday, March 8, 2010

Inescapable Schedule

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

You may look at today's picture and think what in the world this could lead into. Well, I will be more brief this time but this undoubtedly was an experience I will not forget.

Let me start off by saying that I collect old relics from my childhood. Mostly I collect 8mm films but this lunchbox, circa 1980 was the identical one to my very first lunchbox I took to school. The real one was sold to my later regret in a yardsale. So I found the lunchbox on the left at a local antique store, it was a great price and I bought it. There was no thermos with it. But I figured one would turn up. I never really diligently looked for a thermos but I saw this one for sale in the same store later. It hung on a peg board on the third floor of the South Charleston antique mall for I don't know how long, well nigh a year. I go there once every two weeks, and every time I pass the wall there is "my" thermos. The price was $25, thus I didn't buy it. Although I would say to myself, I wished I could. I could've bought it, but I couldn't justify the cost. Well month after month went by and still no one bought it. I find this ironic somewhat because once I see something I want I feel I should snap it up because there is always a shadow behind you of a prospective buyer who will get it. I had this experience lately, but thats another story. Anyway, the Lord Himself wanted me to have it, I know this because here is the great part......

I had just finished working in Cross Lanes and was thinking, "I have some time free, lets swing by my favorite store." I had almost got to the exit and pretty much talked myself out of going when I remembered I had put in a request of the dealers for Castle Films Reels, so I thought I would go in there and scan the shelves. Well, I went. I went all through the store and went back to the back third floor where the thermos was, and it was GONE. "Well, someone finally got it," I thought. Upon closer inspection I came upon a lady stuffing boxes, her husband came with an armload of empty boxes to be filled. I casually said, "are you moving in or out?" The man said, "we're packing it all up and moving to Charlotte (WV second Capitol)." He went on to say, "anything we got left you can have for half off." I looked around and there was ol' Snoopy on top of a pile of stuff ready to be moved southward. I picked it up, saying, "this half off?" "Yes," they replied. Well I joyously snatched it and headed down the stairs as it was time to go.

What I didn't realize was the most important lesson for today, "God foreknew all those months that I would get the Snoopy thermos and for a price I could live with. " In His divine plan, that thermos was as safely mine on that peg board as if it were in my possession. The more mind blowing thing though was that God had it all arranged the very second I was to leave Cross Lanes and go to the store I had almost talked myself out of doing, I was to "redeem" that thermos just before it was going to be hauled off. The scheduling was only something God could do! It seemed like the greatest stroke of "luck," but it was God at work, and at work making sure all the details and schedules lined up in perfect order so that His plan for blessing me was to be accomplished.

I admit when I fully realized what had happened and how He orchestrated this out of my control, it will send chills down you.

Does this happen everyday? You may say "No" at first. Actually it does. How many times have you been delayed leaving somewhere only to avoid a wreck a few minutes up ahead? How many times have you been reading something from the Scriptures that the next day you would put into practice? How about God allowing you to meet someone or do something that opens wide doors for you that may change your life, while that morning you would have never dreamed of it?

I will be honest, I am somewhat pessimistic, which I am working to overcome. I think about this unexpected inescapable scheduling in the negative, "suppose today will be the day I get bad news, or today will be the day I have a car accident." These feelings perhaps you have too, are from the Devil to discourage us. I am learning all this and I believe you are too at some level in your life.

If a thermos is any indication, we have an all knowing Sovereign God who is in charge of our lives and our world. We depend fully on Him to work things out for our best.

Father, help me and those who read this realize that You are in full control of every situation. Help us to be encouraged in the knowledge that no one can thwart what You have designed. Thank You Lord for giving us strength to endure and help to believe. In Your Name, Amen.

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