Saturday, June 28, 2008

Every Life A Purpose

Do you play the Piano?  Maybe you know someone who does.  The photo you see at the left is from my church's Grand Piano played every Sunday.  We are looking at part of the Resonator Board (where the sound is produced) plus we can see some of the strings.  A Grand Piano has over 200 strings of various widths and lengths.  When the hammer strikes on the strings that note is produced.  Suppose you had a piano like this one and most of your strings sounded, but a few did not.  They did not because they were not there.  That would be a huge problem as no song could be played correctly without all the notes in all the octaves present.  Each string has its own place, design, sound and purpose.  The Bible tells us that we are just as important as all of these strings.  In 1st Corinthians 12, Paul tells us that each member of Christ's church is like a member or part of the human body.  We can't all be eyes lest we have no feet to walk.  We cannot be all hands lest we do not have ears to hear.  The verse that sums up what I am trying to say is verse 27, "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." The phrase, "members in particular," is so vastly important for Christians to understand.  We tend to compare ourselves to anyone we deem successful and/or spiritual.  The truth is, contrary to some opinion, there is no part of the body of believers more important than others.  When I think of someone "high" on the spiritual ladder, I think of two people...(there are many more)....Jacqueline Henderson (now with the Lord) and Dr. Billy Graham.  The two have nothing in common as far as ministry goes.  Jackie, as she was known, spent long hours every week keeping a little church decorated for every occasion so God's people would have a nice place to worship in.  Billy Graham has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to more people than any man in human history.   Jackie was responsible for making sure the bulletins were neatly displayed and the flowers were arranged nice on the communion table.  Billy Graham has possibly more than several million souls that he has won to Christ.  Doesn't seem to be much similarity between the two, the choice of who is more important in the kingdom should be obvious, but it isn't.  

The fact is both are of equal importance.  The body of Christ cannot function without behind the scenes souls like Jackie, nor can it spread the Good News without those like Billy Graham.  In God's eyes both are dear and equally important.  Would God bless a hard working, eloquent speaker, and then forget the hard work an unknown servant does?  Never.  Perhaps you serve in a small ministry.  Maybe no one but God knows what you do.  Maybe no one ever thanks you or recognizes what you do.  Take cheer, its hard, but you haven't seen the Master yet.  Nor do you know of the rewards He has for those who truly do things for His glory only.  

Know this, no piano plays correctly without all its strings.  Whether you're a tiny short high string, or a deep sounding bass note, God is depending on your faithfulness and its He who is conducting the concerto.

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