One of those Elementary School memories I have is the new eraser I would usually get before every school year. One year I was particularly proficient in missing the answer to practically every math problem thrown at me, so my dad in his wit bought me this jumbo eraser that was about the size of a Hershey bar. I did use it, but didn't wear it down to a small size. Still the application is this, when we mess up in life we tend to measure it. For example we think that a child caught stealing a piece of candy is a small problem that can be easily corrected. But contrasted to an adult who has lead a drug filled life, had one or two affairs, or has messed up in some "large" way may never be corrected or in fact will be consigned to the guilt of his or her actions. So we think. The fact is that no matter what we have done, there is no such thing as a small sin or a large one. We can be sure though that God needs no size chart for the eraser to forgive us our problems. Did you know that God can even do that---erase your guilt? He can and with only a single loving stroke. The Bible says in Psalm 103:12 that our transgressions are removed as far as east is from west, in other words, in directions that never meet again. The Apostle John tells us in his first book that when we come to Christ in confession, Christ will unquestionably, unreservedly, undoubtedly, and unashamedly pardon us as if we never committed the sin. Such a loving eraser in our Father's eyes is called Grace, and the vehicle of Grace this eraser is held in a hand called Mercy. It is true its Grace that pardons the sin, but its Mercy that commands the Eraser.
My friend whatever is in your past. What could conceivably be in your future, and that which plagues you in this hour can be resolved and wiped away with the Eraser of Grace. No sin too great, no thought too dark that He does not delight to say, "Let me erase that and set you free." He is willing to take you as you are...will you be free?