Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Reason For It All

Galatians 4:3-5 (King James Version)

3Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:

4But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

5To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Whenever you undertake to do a certain thing, do you ever find yourself questioning inside, "Why do I do this?"

Sometimes when we get wrapped up in doing a certain tradition, we lose our senses of awareness. We do certain ritualistic things and do it mindlessly. Sometimes we find ourselves at Christmas doing things like putting up a tree and decorating it, sending cards, singing more than usual, finding ourselves giving to charities more than we do normally. Christmastime find ourselves doing many things, some with great remembrance to the reason, other times not so much.

Ruts are part of our human lives. Sometimes we become like factory workers on an assembly line just constantly doing one thing over and over again until it becomes so repetitive we lose our train of thought. During this season of the year, do you find yourselves doing things that you don't stop and wonder why? Wouldn't it be good to reflect on the reason why do certain things.

Of course for the Christian there is a stock answer, and a correct one although not very deep, that we do what we do because it's Christ-mas. Its for Christ. Again, quite correct, but how? What is it or how is it that Christ is rooted in all that we do. We hear that Jesus is "The Reason for the Season." but just blanket statements doesn't bring understanding, they're no more than what a writer calls, "glittering generalities." So this article may help bring some light to what we do for THE REASON.

Lets deal with some traditions in our Decorating, why certain things?

Putting out Lights. Ever ask yourself, why not put out lights in July or February? People who don't want to have anything to do with the Christ part of Christmas are obsessed with outdoing their neighbors with light displays in their homes, shrubs, yard ornaments etc. What they don't realize is that they are glorifying God because according to John 1, Christ was sent as a Light into the world to repeal darkness. That's what Christmas lights do, they take a dark street and make it glow for all to see.

Then there is the tree. Yes, the pagan symbol or worship the greens as a symbol of life. Oh we just said it. Life. Remember it was God the Son who created evergreens with everything else. God does nothing without purpose and largely without symbolism. The Gospel of John 1 again reminds us that "in Him was LIFE." Life eternal as the woman at the well found out. Life eternal that never ends, like the evergreen that does not die in the coldness of winter. So yes it may be a pagan idea and we should NOT worship any tree or greenery, but we are to worship the Christ who created it and remember that the Greenery points to HIS purpose and mission into the world. If the life of Christ died off in the winter, it would be no Life we would want. I firmly believe that God had His hand in the evergreen because He knew what it symbolized whether the idea came from the pagan or the Christian. He is Lord over all.

What about Food preparation and distribution? Oh the fond memories only food can recollect! There is no one alive on the planet who doesn't appreciate the wonderful aroma of fresh cooked food, be it in the form of cookies, meats, veggies, etc. Food is the source of nourishment for the human body, taste is its beauty in necessity. Jesus ate with His disciples and friends. Matter of fact I think He enjoyed it very much to eat hot baked bread or vegetables of the day. We know that the Last Supper was symbolic of His death, but notice that He told His disciples that He would drink the "fruit of the vine," with them, in Heaven. This was not a dread, but an expectation and anticipation. Jesus had great compassion on the multitudes for their spiritual needs, BUT, He knew they had nothing to eat. He could have sat down and taught, but first He wanted them fed. There are many more examples. Food prep and distribution reminds us of the need the Lord knew we had. We fix special meals and find ourselves giving to charities the stuff to make such meals because its an avenue for the Gospel. Jesus knew that a personal need met means love. Jesus came not for the Spirit only, but for the body. Why else would he care if the multitudes had anything to eat? Why else would He have hot fish baking for weary fisherman? Why else would He change water into wine? Why else would He have His disciple pluck corn on the Sabbath? For His Father's glory yes, His motive for it all, but it was for us, our bodies which He inhabited had needs, so His heart was moved towards them.

How does singing enter into all this Holiday Stuff? The Christian ought to be singing praises to our Lord at all times, as the Psalmist reminds. However at Christmas there is a special genre of music that is for especially this season. Actually I sing and listen to Christmas music all year, how can one neglect the entry of God into the world in song, it signaled the change that changed our whole future! Perhaps we sing more for two reasons...First the music is joyful and beautifully scored, Second it brings fond memories of yore. But there is a third. Luke 2 records the Heavenly Host praising God as they announced to the Shepherds. If an angel sings who has no merit in eternal life, how much more should we the recipients of that Greatest of All Gifts? We have the heart drive in us who have been redeemed to lift joyous praises to our Lord because we are thankful to Him for coming to this world for our good, when He did not have to. This singing is a slice of the coming Kingdom I believe. I believe in the Kingdom there will be concerts and recitals and music scored like never before. Why? THE KING will be present, just as He was then, but with ALL His might and power and glory! How shall we not sing? Start practicing! Choir rehearsal is now, the 1000 year performance is coming soon!

Why do I send cards at Christmas? Okay, there were no cards sent from the Bethlehem post office to the whole Roman Empire that wondrous night. No cards, but there was a lot of things to tell! Christmas cards actually started being sent in the Victorian period of our European American history. Note that the happiest of all these things are celebrated where Christ has been honored and believed in. Actually Mother's day has superseded Christmas in card sending but its still a big industry. Most of the cards I have received have been Christ centered. The reason we send cards is that we care for people and want them remembered at this time, which is lonely for many. At the same time, Christians desire that the true message of the Christmas Gospel be sent out. We want the cards that are beautifully illustrated and verbally eloquent because its the Kings birthday! Like the angels, whose name means "messenger," we want all to get the message of the love of Christ that He showed us on Christmas day. We want very clearly to share with all men what Christ has done for us and what He can do for them. We hand address these many pieces of mail just as God Himself hand addresses His message to the human heart, "Dear...(Your name insert here), I love you, I sent My only Son for you, I don't want you to die in your sins, trust My Son, He will save you." That is the real reason behind card sending.

How did Santa Claus worm his way into all this so freely? Well it was time we tackled the tough one, the case of the little fat man in the white beard that the world clamours over in place of Christ. Is Santa Claus an institution of Satan? No. A tool maybe. I have always said that if a fat jolly man who rides around with reindeer challenges your faith and ours corporately, then we have no faith at all.

Santa Claus doesn't bother me, I even have been know to impersonate him. He is no threat to Christ either. For those who know Christ as Savior and Lord, the feeling should be mutual. How did He get so wrapped up in Christmas? Like anything good, the Devil will overly pervert it to take men's minds off the real meaning of anything. The only problem with that is the real Santa Claus (not of the North Pole) was named St. Nicholas. Nicholas was a real person who devoted his life to doing good things, primarily for children. Nicholas was not motivated by personal aggrandizement, but a sincere desire to imitate the Master by doing good in the world. So shall our pattern ought to be. Speaking of children, these were the special ones Jesus cared for and on their account gave the most vehement rebuke He ever gave to His disciples as they wanted the children to go away. I am not saying this is justified reason to put Santa alongside Jesus, no one dares be in His place, but if you desire to know Saint Nicks place in all this, I think this is why. Remember too that the world views gift giving as the job of Nicholas, which is what he is known for in church history, but even Nicholas knew that he was just trying to serve the Lord and give what he could, just as the Lord did, but not in competition, rather in desire that others would know the GIFT of GIFTS when they received something wonderful they did not deserve.

Jesus Christ is the root cause and reason for everything good of Christmas, but is He the reason you celebrate it? So many people have said, "are you ready for Christmas?" The only reply you can give is the one that is true in your heart. If you have Christ in your heart, you are ready. He is the Reason you are ready.

Glorious Father and Sovereign King Jesus, oh how we thank You for desiring such wretches of sin cursed blasphemers to be included in your Heavenly Kingdom. You were moved so much by love you gave everything freely to us to be saved, You sent Your only Son. For we know that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish as he or she deserves, but will have everlasting Life with You. There is no way to thank You for this adequately. May this Christmas season find us thankful and moreover sharing that Good News with our fellow man. Thank You that You are the Reason and not some worldly fad. Help us to keep our focus on the Manger and then the Cross and to our Heavenly Home one glorious day. In all this, help us to serve You in sincerity and Truth all the year. In thy Matchless and Holy Name we pray, Amen.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bounty Without Labor

Romans 5:6-9

6. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

As many of you who know me or have graciously read what I have written you know that I am a traditionalist in nature. Thanksgiving time is a day of proper thanksgiving to the Lord first, remembering traditions and taking time to listen to old familiar stories. No football game - no problem, family first, not the TV. When I think of old times and the way Thanksgiving meals used to be, you may recall in your mind that title of the old song, "Over the River and Through The Woods." We can see that old white wooden house nestled in a meadow or on a hill. You see the fields that were sewn, harvested and now the hay in stacks. On the table you see all the fixings we think of, except these were not bought at a grocery store, nor did the pumpkin pie come out of a can, but all through hard work all year round we see the bounty of harvest. I think of the Pilgrim's and how much they labored, suffered and died for what they believed in. They truly enjoyed their hard work's bounty, it was one of very few bright spots in the New World.

Spiritually speaking, we have a bounty of thanksgiving to celebrate that was wrought by not only hard work but hard suffering. Our bounty of thanksgiving came as a pre-planned act of benevolence that could not be explained if the word "grace" did not exist. All that we are and even all the material blessings of bounty we enjoy stems from this singular and eternally profound offering of Jesus Christ for you and me.

The vast difference between our bounty in Christ and our bounty in the fruits of this earth is that we did absolutely no work to receive it. If you have ever been invited to a home where Thanksgiving dinner was prepared and you sit down to a beautifully set table, the first impression may be, "wow look at all the work that went into this," the second, "I am really blessed, I am invited as a guest to freely partake without personal expense." That table or whatever expression of unlabored kindness you may experience is what the Apostle Paul speaks of in the Romans passage.

Let us examine what is meant by a bounty without labor:

First, there is examination.
None of us like to go to the doctor. However, it is necessary, especially when we suspect something is wrong. There is another type of exam, and that is like an evaluation test to see where we place in a certain classification. This type of test is what we see ourselves in from verse 6. "When we were yet without strength..." What type of strength? The physical cannot be mentioned because it cannot apply. The spiritual strength cannot be measured because we simply don't have any to cope with our eternal needs. Christ saw that we have no strength to withstand and pay for our huge sin debt. Unlike the prison work farms, we cannot pay for our sins by labor. Simply we are stuck because of our weakness. So when God examines and evaluates the condition of the human race, He has two choices, 1. Let them die, 2. Let His Son die for them. He chose the latter. We failed our examination, but Christ passed the sin exam Who knew no sin himself but became sin for every man. Thus He came into the world and labored and died for us.

Second, there is classification. Verse 7 lists two types of people whom some would seem worthy perhaps, maybe, possibly, scarcely to be worth dying for, and we didn't make the list. The "righteous" man is not a man without sin in the context, but, a man who could be considered blameless of a certain accusation, thus, this man was righteous in this setting. Unfortunately Jesus told us that if we break one commandment of God's law, we are a violator of the whole law. So from that we know that no matter what the sin, what the case, eternally we are still condemned, it matters not how righteous we are in any one given situation.
Then we have a "good" man. This is a notch down from the righteous man. The good man is one who is generally known for not being a trouble maker or a reviler or rabble. We might call such a one as a good law biding citizen who keeps to himself and may even be involved in charitable acts. However again Jesus said that unless a person's good works exceed the works of the Pharisees and scribes, admission cannot be had into Heaven. Paul reminds us what is written in the Psalms that there is in Ps 53:3 Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. So even if one were to die for a "good" man, it would be a waste. So Jesus Christ laid the foundation for eternal destiny, that we might be made righteous through Him. We could not sew good works like seed to reap eternal life. Christ however can make you fit for Heaven simply by taking on the blood of His Son. The working came about as the Master walked the Earth teaching the people and providing an example of service that we could follow after. Laying all of this foundation that we might be righteous is a job that even Christ performs now as He represents the Christian before the bench of the Father while Satan tries his best to accuse us beyond what the blood of Christ covers, in vain.

Third, there is justification.
Romans 5:8-9 is a favored verse of us all. This verse ties it all together with the preceding verses. The first word may be well, in our perspective, be the most important. The word is "But." You see the whole descriptive examination and classification left us with the most grim of sentence we could ever receive. No criminals ever heard such a condemnation, no patient ever heard such a dark prognosis, nor anyone faced such a horrible future as the implied state every man finds himself in before 5:8. So in knowing all this, the word "but" is introduced. Oh the mercy, the pardon, the favor, the turning of wrath to love is all wrapped up in this word. God said in effect, "Yes its true the man doesn't measure up, he doesn't have holiness, he doesn't have my righteousness, but, but, but, he will after My Son is finished doing what I have commanded Him to do."
"God commendeth His love towards us." This phrase could be perhaps the greatest single string of words that has impacted man the most. Why? Because we got what we did NOT deserve in place of the fruits of our being. Depravity never had such a benefactor as Jesus Christ. It is of little wonder why Satan hates the believer. We whom Satan tried to encapsulate the whole human race into the same condemnation as he, has a way of escape that he never had, nor ever will. There is not one mention in all the Holy Writ, that God ever commended His love towards Satan or any of the fallen angels.
"while we were yet sinners."
You see, you cannot clean yourselves up to come to God. Christ died for us in our default eternal state. He didn't wait to see if man could do better. God knew man's sin disease was terminal and getting worse day by day. Jude tells us that exceeding joy is given when Christ will present us before the Father, why? Because, He cleaned us up! We didn't fit, measure up or anything, yet we were made clean through His blood in vs. 9, this is Justification. The definition is: "one declared righteous and put in the standing of a righteous person, that never had been righteous before."
"Christ died for us."
The one thing He never deserved, Christ got. He deserved a kingdom, which He will have. He deserved a praise from all creation, which he has and will have. He deserves glory and honor, which He has. Never though did He deserve a cross. No amount of understanding can be mounted to take in the colossal words of this part of the verse. Again there is great emphasis put on seemingly small words. The key word here is "died," but the greater object word is "us." Who is us, beyond the physical meaning of man? "Us" means the most despicable, defiled, rotten, garbage laden, blaspheming, hell bent, cursing, fornicating, slimy, dismal wretches there were in all the creation. For such, the antithesis of all these adjectives, died for us.

What a thanksgiving bounty! What a joyous shout we should give! Bounty that we did not work for and could not, became ours for the asking.

Our eternity, a endless frame, beyond this life is settled to those who freely receive it. No payment to make, its made.

Because of Christ's work, the smell of fire no longer lingers on us who believe.

Heavenly Father, There is no words to adequately express what bounty has been provided for us at Christ's expense. Help us at this time of Thanksgiving, to treasure, and to share that which is provided beyond measure. Thank you. For your Praise we give our thanks, Amen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

All Aboard!!!!

1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:1-2 Have you ever taken a trip by train? In America, the first half of the 20th century saw exclusive train travel. Hundreds of thousands of miles criss crossed this nation. America was alive and billowing with huge steam engines and long trains carrying freight, passengers, war munitions, and everything else you can think of to strengthen the infrastructure of America. The days of the steam trains hark back to the golden era of America, an era that has sadly faded away as the steam that rose from the engine's smoke stack. Whenever I think of trains and particularly old time passenger trains, I think of the conductor in the Polar Express. Remember that Christmas movie popular a few years back? Actor Tom Hanks played the role of the Conductor. The Conductor's job was to make sure the train left each point and made it to the next on or before time. The Conductor in the movie was always pulling out his pocket watch to see how on schedule the train was on. Images like this are always fond to me as my family was largely employed by the railroad in the early 20th century. The New York Central railroad was particularly noted for its special train named, "The 20th Century Limited." This train was the crown jewel of the line and was the latest in luxury and style in the 20's to 40's. The train was immaculately kept and only the best of china was used and the best food was served. But the thing that made the Century was its transit time. The Century ran from the La Salle Street station in Chicago to Grand Central in New York in just under 14 hours, quite a feat for back then. It was the job of the conductors to keep their watches tuned and their passengers accounted for so that the flight would be accomplished successfully. Like the Conductor of a train, it is the duty of every Christian to ensure that we as a church body of believers we encourage one another and hold accountable one another for the trip of life. We are not to be the supreme judge of every man's person but we are on many levels to hold each other up to a standard of godliness. In doing so we do well to maintain spiritual growth and harmony for the church. Should each Christian be concerned for his or her fellow believer, we would see greater growth inwardly and outwardly. The Apostle Paul references many times in his epistles the theme of "being in the same mind," or "being of one spirit." The reason he does this is that he knew that the church cannot run correctly or even "on time" if they are all at odds with one another, or, worse yet are contrariwise over doctrine and practices. The Conductor of the train keeps his train running by ensuring everyone has his or her ticket, the engine is well maintained, the staff is prepared and the passengers are accounted for. Likewise the Christian's duty is the same as we shall see in the discussion below. To have everyone in the church "All Aboard," requires each of us in our own responsibilities to: Edify
This is simply doing what we naturally in Christ ought to do, to build up one another. The unsaved world does this, so this should be a no-brainer. If you're in doubt over whether a person needs to be encouraged, always err on the side of the affirmative. Day by day life is getting harder, and it assuredly helps one another to compliment them on the ministry they are doing or something you know specifically would bless them. People keep things in silently from all else, but your encouragement penetrates where nothing else can get through. No one builds up a house by neglect or by a wrecking ball, likewise, build up and help. Help can be so much more than words, in fact, actions are so much more important. Get involved in a person's needs, sometimes asking first is best, but if its not a delicate situation, go ahead and share and provide, you don't know how much it will mean to them and give them renewed strength and hope in Christ.
This word may have a controversial connotation in its definition, but its part of edification. Going back to a structural illustration, if we see a building being built improperly and we know how to suggest improvement, we ought to do so. The difference is that we admonish in love and not in being hyper critical. We desire the best for each other. Our main goal is to see others walk with Christ as best they can, but we need to realize that we are not the all knowing authority on the matter. However, we would be less than loving and mostly of an evil spirit if we know an action or attitude is going to harm a fellow believer and we watch it all play out without saying a word. Suppose Christ did this to us. Suppose He let us flounder without correction. He doesn't do that and we should care more for each other not to do that either. The best way though in admonishment is by prayer and much prayer to ensure your heart is pure and is not motivated by any selfish means. The proper admonishment will be so appreciated by those you help because it shows the person you care.
The Apostle Paul in writing to Timothy and in his epistles often remarks on the examples we ought to be for future generations to follow. What does our lives exemplify. All men and women follow someone's example. The world knows little good example. The best examples the world does offer and what others seem to think are good, found in the light of Scripture, are for the most part deplorable. But by our lives in Christ we show a better way. We do not lift ourselves up by encouraging men to come up to our standards, but up to Christ standards. When example is followed by this rule we are properly engaged in exemplifying. The needs for this is critical especially in today's churches. We have 2 to 3 generations growing up in spiritual ignorance. Such people are unlearned in Scripture and in practice of godliness. How shall they learn if we don't preach to them by our example? This is why Paul often said to be followers of himself, not to brag on himself, but think of it as a teacher who desires the student to know the life changing truth, and the only way to impart that is for them to do as he or she does. Patterns of morality and good standards are included in the Christian example, but the greatest example is to be like Christ, to love as He loved, to glorify God as He did, to give as He gave and all of this for His glory and not for ourselves. How will the future generation survive the onslaught of ungodliness if they have no example to follow and implement in their own lives?
If you ever listen to an organ or piano there are "sustains" built in to carry the note or notes longer than a brief moment. This feature enables the listener to get the full impact of the sound or reason for that note. Many times in music, a sustained note is like an exclamation point on a sentence. The given reason may vary for the sustain, but its effects are the same, its given for remembrance. In our Christian lives, keeping folks "all aboard" requires we sustain many things. The typical church has largely either done away with sustained practices, or has held on too tightly those things which are more tradition than godly. What we need to do is to sustain the things of God such as holding strictly to the Word. You may think this is a given, but you would be surprised how many church leaders feel that because the standards of God's Word won't change with cultural norms, than we must change our interpretation of the Word. I think nothing displeases God more than to have His Word bent and twisted to fit humanistic ideas. If you are in a leadership role, don't apologize or compromise but sustain the correct teachings of the Word as has been done in the past. Though I tell few people this, I have always found it sadly amusing to listen to people justify change in the church. People believe that yesterday's methods will not work with today's crowds. The Gospel introduction and teaching does not change! Did you know that when Christ sets on His Earthly Throne that He has no intentions of pleasing the popular culture!! There will be no concessions or appeals in that day. But in this day people's reasoning must be that we need to change our tactics or lose the game as it were. Note this, that any time a person liberalizes ways or teachings, or waters down good Gospel methods, they may draw more crowds, but the impact of the Gospel is always weakened. We trade good Bible conferences for contemporary music concerts. We teach kids silly and contemporary songs in lieu of memorizing Scripture. We start telling stories and sports illustrations to help folks understand good moral principles, ebbing away the fact we need to hear from the Holy Scriptures on how to lead a godly and Christ centered life!!! The point is that we must SUSTAIN those things which keep men and women growing in Christ; to do any less is doing them the greatest disservice. Succor The final word in our "all aboard" theme is this word "Succor." This is a word found only in the older English texts of Scripture. The word is a middle English word that carries the meaning of providing relief to those in need. In the Scriptures, Dorcas was a fine example, making coats for widows. Another example is Phoebe, a hard working lady in the New Testament church. Martha, was yet another example. All of these point to Christ who is the Master Reliever of the Brethren. In following this example, if we want everyone aboard as we roll through life, we need to meet physical needs. We provide relief when our words find action. Sending a meal to a disabled person, visiting the sick, fixing a house need, transporting a person to a doctor or to some other place are all examples of succoring. We do this not for our sake but for the other person that we may bring honor to Christ. If you can help a person in need by giving them money, you do it as unto the Lord. Should you be able to provide them with some material possession or need, then do so as you would the Lord. Christ's disciples once asked Him when they had ever seen the Lord in hunger or in want. Jesus replied in Matthew 25:40 that kindness showed to the lowliest of brethren is the same as showing it to Christ Himself. You'll never know how encouraging you have been and perhaps have kept someone from losing hope altogether by practicing the "art of succor." There is also the Spiritual side to this. By all means seek people out to pray for and with, tell them of Jesus as you have opportunity, but don't neglect the physical needs as well. If your church were a train going from one point to the next at great speeds, would you be one who is responsible to see to needs and help keep folks, "all aboard?" Remember I started by reminiscing about the Conductor and his constant attention to his watch? Like the Conductor, we should know that the time is growing shorter and shorter. Heavenly and most Gracious Father we desire that you will help us all be more conscious of the needs of our brethren around us. Help us to help others keep on board and from falling away into the pathways of sin and regret. Keep our testimonies clean that we may represent you well. We depend on You alone, help us we pray. In Your Name, Amen. Image Source Polar Express image belongs to Warner Bros Media.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Looking For Jesus

Matthew 5:16, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of Christianity is that the faith is not sight, not yet. We yearn to see the Savior who loved us to the end. We so desperately want to see the Risen Lord that we want it or should want it above all else. In fact Revelation ends with the hopeful statement, "Even So Lord Jesus Come Quickly." Why? We want to see Him in all of His Glory and to be with Him is our goal. We are not like some weird groups who need to have experienced nirvana or get high on some substance to "see" our Creator or Holy Person! Yet while on Earth we devise objects or images of the One we love to see.

One obscure example that does not exist anymore is the infamous "Jesus Tree" of Logan county West Virginia. When I was growing up, the old Holden Junior High school was torn down. All that was left was the large stone steps and a flattened off place where grew the tree in the photo above. Lots of people went to go see it, and I have to admit it was really neat. I don't think many people went there to "worship it" but were just curious. After the expansion of US Highway 119 came along, the whole area of upper Holden was demolished along with the Jesus Tree. If it was the only sighting of Jesus you had, you lost it in the way of earthly progress!

Fortunately, to see Jesus one doesn't look for the transient, earthly things. Jesus has been captured in paintings, sculptures, songs, etc. I love art, especially baroque art that surrounded me while at my academic college, but, to see Jesus you don't need to go to the Art Gallery. People who see Jesus, see Him in the lives of those who possess Him. So there are two sides of this article, the First dealing with how to see Him, the Second how to show Him.

How to see Jesus,
We simply exemplify His Life by doing that which naturally pours out of a heart He has changed.
Find a Christian person who has sacrificed for you and you have seen Jesus. Remember that person who encouraged you in your hour of trial and you have seen Jesus. Notice that seemingly glowing face as the sing hymns and praises to God in worship and you have seen Jesus. Recall that person who has wept over your sinful lifestyle and desired all be done to restore you, and yes, you have seen Jesus. Seeing Jesus in this world will not come as a face to face meeting with Himself, that is not the way the Lord wanted it for this age of Grace. Its one thing to see Him face to face, which will happen, but its more expressive, more involved and more real in a sense to see Him exemplified in the lives of His followers who they themselves live the Scripture of 1 Peter 1:8, "whom having not seen, ye love." We do not have to be anything but genuinely caring and earnestly doing so for His sake. Jesus never called us to glow with a Holy light, but that the Light of His testimony would glow in us. Jesus never called us to raise the dead or heal the sick, but He will be noticed when we take the time in our health to reach out to those who have no health or help. Others see Jesus when we live Him in our lives.

Second, to show Jesus.
In addition to the aforementioned, we have a somewhat mistaken idea that doing good deeds and saying kind words alone is the key to representing Christ to others. The essence of that is absolutely true, BUT, lost people are kind and do kind deeds. Most philanthropic organizations are not Christian related. The difference lies in the reason and motive for what we do. Many charities and benefactors do things with the guise of goodhearted intentions, but in the end it makes themselves look good. As Christians our whole goal is to magnify the Saviour who lives within us, not glorify the body that He lives in. So in addition to helping out the neighbor with the yard work, or, encouraging that shut in on the phone we need at times to remind them that we do what we do for the Lord's sake. We need to live our lives so that no outward reflection is construed with the true nature of our generosity. Did you know that Jesus Himself, when He did miracles did not want others to tell about it? This is not because He was being secretive about something, but His main desire was to glorify the Heavenly Father, even though He is the Second part of the Trinity. The whole thrust behind serving Jesus is glorifying Him and the Father. If your church has an outreach function that serves the community hot dogs and soda, you most likely want them to remember and hopefully come to your church, not the one thing they remember is how good the hot dogs were! How true to stay in keeping with our works and testimony towards Christ. Now, that testimony needs to be polished. That doesn't mean we are perfect, but it does NOT excuse us to keep from trying! Many Christians lean on the splintering crutch, "well no one is perfect." Our whole lives are to be striving towards Godly perfection. We know we will never be perfect in this life, but we are not running the race for a non obtainable goal, rather, we strive for perfection so the Person of Christ be clearly seen as much as possible, AND, that we do Him honor by trying to follow Him as closely as we can. When we do this, we show Jesus for all to see.

Do others see Jesus in you? There are not too many Jesus Trees around, but there are a lot of Jesus Followers around. Strive to be more than a tree that is static, but be a living example that interacts and changes the world around you for Christ's glory!

Father, help me and those who read to make a difference in our world by touching individual lives. Help us not to take credit or desire our own vain glory, but bounce back any glory we receive straight to the throne of Grace. Thank you for desiring to use broken pots like us in the process. We love you, not as much as we ought, but help us to continue growing and seeking you daily. Thank you for loving us. In Your Name, Amen.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wearing Your State

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. `1 John 4:4

Everyday we go out into the world. Every day we see a greater progression of evil that wasn't there the day before. It is if some crew was working through the darkened night to erect a new standard of low living and hopelessness. More and more these days we see sin lived or worn on people's faces and even on their clothes.

I see a lot of people wearing a new style of design that has become very popular in the artsy type world, the design of grunge. Some of this is kind of neat, but it tends to be drab and dirty and we as humans tend to like that too unfortunately. Then on top of the grunge is sort of a hairy twisted interleaving design of weeds, flowers, and vines. With that is usually written in some sort of goth darkened text words like "Sinful," "Afflicted," "Disturbed," etc. These three words seem to sum up a lot of what we are as humans. The tragic thing is those who wear it on their clothes are proud of it, and seek acceptance and giggles from others who wear them. Unbeknown to them they are wearing the state they are in.

It is so sad to see a world, where all the better they know is to revel in the makings of their own doom. They can't focus or do not want to focus on anything better as their hearts are turned against it. Oh, people want peace, they want joy, they covet security, but they feel it is out of their reach or they can't understand how it can be attained. So naturally they turn back to what they know. It takes the saved heart to spot this lack of hope. The Bible says that the things of God are foolish to the eyes of the world. We can see a better hope because we have been delivered.

So many times though we Christians feel the effects of "Sinful," "Afflicted" and "Disturbed." Each of us are in the world and we suffer the effects of being in the world. However, our difference is that we have deliverance, that we have the key to our lock and chains when they are put on us. Yet we don't always deal with these three states as we ought. How do we effectively combat these three without it becoming our lifestyle and we start wearing it?

We are all born sinners, no exceptions. We carry sinful blood and we suffer the results. However, when Christ comes in to our lives there is another word to wear, "Redemption." The word means that we are bought back from the slave market of sin where we were kept. When we sin, we can easily get rid of its poison. Asking God in His abundant Grace to forgive us as we claim the Redemption through the blood of His Son on our behalf. The world can't claim something they don't have. Christ Jesus stands on our side. Light shines where there is darkness. This doesn't make us perfect people, but Redemption gives us a secure promise of being so in Eternity. Meanwhile here on Earth, sin, should have no permanent hold on us.

There are many types of afflictions in the world. Physical infirmity is affliction. Emotional distress and anguish is affliction. Personal assault is affliction. But if we notice closely, the kind of affliction that everyone wears proudly is Spiritual. No one likes to be in bodily peril or the fear of death! But when it comes to spiritual matters, mankind pays little attention. Man is blind. He cannot see eternity before him. He thinks what I am talking about is just some rantings of a preacher. Man cannot see the edge of the precipice and that he will fall over permanently if there is no savior. This Affliction does not exist for the believer in Christ. Sometimes though we "afflict" ourselves with thoughts of hopelessness because we have forgotten or taken little time to study the love and attributes of Christ Jesus. We temporarily favor affliction of personal sin. We feel that we have gone beyond the eternal reach of God and thus we are "afflicted" with the uncertainty again of condemnation after we die. We give credit to Satan for this implanting when it is our own mistrust that grows the seeds. As Christians, our remedy is the Word of God. Study it, know it, believe it, trust it. God says no man can pluck you out of my hand (Jn 10:29). I will never forsake you He promises in Heb 13:5. Let not your hearts be troubled, He admonishes in Jn 14:1. So many other passages we can take comfort from. Don't let the ease of self guilt which never paid for a single sin afflict you into believing God is in the business of cutting off His own family.

This word perfectly describes the human heart and mind. Sin disturbs. Sin twists and provokes evil that causes men and women to do things and say things we know cannot be good. There is no limit to human disturbance. People let their kids play games that kill people and think they have no bearing on behavior. Men and women watch TV and see a "normal" couple involved in all kinds of immoral things and they think its not affecting them. We are so disturbed as a people that near total desensitizing of our minds are the fruits of disturbance. You think the world is evil now, it is...but I think we know little of evil disturbance in the world until we really scrutinize the world of pre - flood Noah, or walk the streets of Gomorrah and keeping ourselves sexually un-accosted. The poison of the mind and heart left unchecked is an overwhelming despair until we look at Calvary.
If Jesus had not come, where would we be? Do you know that one Man's life changed the moral fabric of civilization even to this day? It is impossible that Christianity should flourish if it were a doctrine of mankind. Only God in His perfect love that is shed in the human heart can cause disturbance to turn into balance. Are you disturbed as a Christian today? No, not at the way the world is, that's disturbing yes, but by some force of evil that has laid hold on you?
Remember that God told John to write, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1 Jn 4:4. We have no power over evil, but God is there to run to and to help in our need. Certainly the road back to the strong arms of Grace should never be blocked or obstructed, but a clear path in our lives.

Do these main words trouble you inwardly? They do all of us at times. Thank God we have a Savior and Friend to deliver us from the trappings of this world. Pray for those having no hope, that they would trade their shirts that bear these words, for a robe of Eternal Glory!

Father, thank You for deliverance of Sin, Affliction, Disturbance. We long to be totally delivered from this by being with You in Heaven one day. Help us Lord each one, to seek You and to share You with others who need You. In Your Name we ask this. Amen.

image source

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Undiscovered Truth

Scripture Reading:
2 Timothy 1:1-4

1I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Many of the readers in this blog, perhaps all, attend a church somewhere. Some of us have been in a church most if not all of our lives. Today's topic deals with an issue that is silent yet detrimental to our Christian lives, and that is the Undiscovered Truth. What does this mean? Read on.......

The American church is in decline and has been since the 1980's. The reason is not lack of attendance (although that is a byproduct), the reason is not lack of building funds, or teachers, or preachers, etc. The reason the church is in decline is because of the revelation of only part of the message of Christ. All Scripture is inspired and is profitable as Paul told Timothy, yet we tend to take our Christian teachings like people do a buffet bar after church. We know we should eat the salad greens, but we see the delectable fried foods on up the bar, so we spring for these because they taste better.

In our churches, we have no deep teaching from God's Word. We settle for the skimmed surface. Truly the greatest doctrines are those that speak of Christ's love and example and though we cannot overemphasize them enough we never deal much with the reason why they are so great. We never deal with our sin, never deal with Hell, never deal with church discipline, never deal with accountability. The reason being twofold.

Reason 1.
We have allowed our natural state to drift us off course and have settled to be comfortable rather than challenged.

Reason 2.
We have such a politically correct culture that has dictated we must not speak of that which offends.

Paul in today's reading admonishes Timothy to be ready to preach whether it is popular or not, for the days of Judgement are coming, the end, after that we cannot undo what we have done, people need to hear the In Season message as well as the Out of Season Messages. Exhortation and Rebuking are both profitable, not just one or the other. Paul had a burden for this because he saw what happened so quickly at Galatia.

When I survey the ignorance of many Christians, and I am not being arrogant but genuinely concerned, I draw another two conclusions,
1. People are not taught, 2. People do not care enough to read for themselves what God says.
The first is a church leadership problem that perhaps stems from the second reason, but the second is a general carnality that slowly seeps over a man or woman that takes their eyes and hearts from God.

The state is sad for us as believers, but it is even more saddening to a needy world. To understand the intensity and the gravity of the problem we have faced and are continually facing is to understand the mind of Satan.

Isn't it interesting that there are no sermons devoted to the knowledge of the Devil? Understand we do not glorify him, but to understand the attack and the methods he is using to destroy the church. Like all other manners, the Devil uses half truths to pass of his agendas. The Devil delights in church disputes when the members of both sides think they are doing right. The Devil also encourages the carnal mind never to look at the passages of Scripture that deals with man's sin problem, thus, because it will expose the enemy for who he is.

Besides the Devil, the dumbing down of teachings is at fault. Look at the children's department in your church, do you find more time given to memory verses, or to games? Go upstairs and listen to your worship service, is it more emotion or Truth? How are we supposed to be successful in winning a lost world if we don't possess all the Truth?

The church lost so much when it replaced its hymnal. Not all contemporary music is bad, some of it is very good, but if you look closely and objectively, you will see a parallel decline in spiritual growth with a rise in contemporary Christianity. The outpouring of such has redefined the methods of preaching. I heard two sermons recently on a given topic, totally unrelated speakers. One sermon was direct and dealt with the issues and was encouraging as well, while the other told more stories than used the Bible. This is the calamity, story telling and illustrations that use the Scripture to augment them in place of the other way around.

I am convinced, that the population in American churches today if they would hear actual deep Bible based preaching it would seem as Undiscovered Truth to them, and we would have a revival on the order of Great Awakenings in the early days of America.

Whatever church you go to, pray with me that the church I attend and the one you attend will begin to really lead God's people into deeper teaching and life changing growth.

Father, we have failed, as individuals as a church. Though we may have great mission offerings, and great programs, we suffer because we have watered down the message of the Word to fit cultural norms. Please forgive us, help us to realize that we need to stand firmly and unashamedly for the whole Truth and realize the needs of the people. Thank You for washing us in your blood, of which we never will deserve, may it impact us more and more day to day. Help us now not to be lax, but to be serious about what we do, give us an Eternal perspective that might impact the temporal day. In Your gracious name, Amen.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Happened To The REAL Cross?

Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

In all the centuries of church history and Christendom, the cross has taken on many forms. There is the Chi Ro Cross, the Celtic Cross, the Roman Cross, the Greek Orthodox Cross, etc. Most of us would admit that the real cross was very rough and had little beauty. Today, the cross is a universal standard in jewelry. Crosses range from lacy and ornate to sculptured works of beauty in silver and gold and often studded with gem stones. Many people wear crosses on their necks or earrings. Some people tattoo the cross to their bodies. Some people have the cross in their cars hanging from mirrors and some others have it on their windows and bumpers in decal form. Sometimes we look at folks who wear crosses and wonder if they know what it means. We wonder if the cross has become a symbol of peace like other symbols. Is this what the cross represents? Has the REAL cross been so long in our culture that its meaning has evolved into nothing more than symbolism and/or fashion?

For the Christian, the cross ought to remind us of the suffering we caused our Lord for our sins that He didn't deserve to die for. Carnal Christians (those who mix worldly influences with Scriptural teachings) often fall prey to wearing a cross without appreciation for what it represents or to whom their testimony impacts. We can be guilty of putting on the trappings of religious garb and not get the real central idea of what our main symbol means or have an appreciation for it.

So when we think of the question, "What Happened to the REAL Cross" we do not alone mean what did the real cross look like among the hundreds of designs upon it. What we ought to be aware of at this time of the Passion Week and every other day in our lives, is how much time do we spend thinking about and appreciating the REAL cross and the price paid for our sins.

The cross, the most important event in our lives, can get so familiar to us that we lose its sense of greatness and importance. The Cross can become an ornament on a bookshelf or a picture on a wall. While these things are well and good as intended to remind us of the cross and the price paid, do they really serve the purpose of remembrance? Time and space can somewhat distance us from the pain and suffering and the harsh feeling of separation that the cross awarded Christ. We become too desensitized to dread and shame that was supposed to be ours, but was cut off from our deserving soul. Perhaps it would not be so if we would have to endure some measure of this pain, but no, Christ never intended we suffer the first second of that awful misery.

So if the Cross has faded in its importance to our Spiritual senses, how do we retrieve a proper respect and devotion towards Christ's abundant suffering?

First, we must realize the gravity of our sins and the reality of Hell.
A man or woman cannot by themselves realize their depravity in its bold truthfulness. In fact most people deny their state of spiritual being. We all admit we make mistakes, but to admit that even that one mistake is condemnation sure, is a step unable for men to take. We can only be convinced of this pitiful reality when we read God's Word, believe it, and ask God to reveal it to us. When the revelation has come, the cross becomes the most welcome sight. The cross is no longer jewelry but THE symbol of our freedom. But what slave is free if he or she knows nothing of their chains? Christ on the cross not only shows us our chains, but brakes them.

Second, we need to focus on the love of the Savior for the lowliest of sinners.
As with the realization of our depravity, we do not in ourselves esteem ourselves to be objects of lowliness. The reason is twofold, 1. We don't understand the holiness of God, 2. We are conditioned to think of ourselves as objects of worth. Naturally we are of great worth to God, as the Cross demonstrates, but worth in the scales of Holiness, we cannot measure up. Thus we need to understand how great a standard God has and how great a depth God lowered Himself to suffer for sins He did not commit. Romans 5 makes this contrast clear as it tells us that even the best of people one hardly desires to die for, much less those class of people so low and grimy and sin cursed as we.

Third, we need to understand what Christ gave up so that we could be saved.
So often the agony of the cross has been beautified. We do this out of the notion of the Glory of God and out of some desire to hide the reality even now of our punishment He took upon Himself. Christ gave up for us His earthly dignity and His Heavenly dignity. I refer to the latter that while He all the time was fully God, He laid aside all His Glory and took upon the same wretched flesh that we have. He bound Himself to this mortal body with all its sufferings. He was willing to give up His relationship with the Father for the condemnation of sin. The Father turned His back on His Son for our sakes. He gave up His one earthly possession, His cloak. He gave up His power to reverse all the sufferings of the cross. So much He gave for us on the cross.

Lastly, we need to imagine the shame of the Cross compared to any shame we receive unjustly.
Not one of us has been accused of something we did not do and felt fine with it. Shame and a stained reputation is something none of us want. Jesus did not want it, but He knew that our shame cannot be remedied and our souls lost forever. The weight of the human race won out over the Righteousness He enjoyed forever. The cross, as stated before, has been beautified and lovely wrapped in flowers and scroll work. The truth is a cross was not just an implement for torture and punishment, but a public of example to the rest of the world to show the shame of crimes. A cross said to the world, "don't be as foolish as this poor dog." Not only was the cross a mark of shame but particularly the Center Cross on which Jesus hung was the greatest example of shame. We don't understand that in today's culture where shame isn't so unpopular anymore. Shame on the level of a thief or robber was bad enough, but the shame that only the Father saw was greater. This shame was my shame and yours...never forget. Never forget that we should face the howling mob but we will never do that.

After reading this smattering on the cross and its meanings, do we see the REAL cross as we should? Has the cross shifted back from a shelf ornament or a necklace to a literal monument to spiritual freedom? I trust we all shall so view it, for such it is.

Father, help us not to desensitize ourselves from the true meaning of the cross, made for our sakes who was the least deserving. Thank you for Your love, which spared nothing for us. In Your Name, Amen.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Inescapable Schedule

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

You may look at today's picture and think what in the world this could lead into. Well, I will be more brief this time but this undoubtedly was an experience I will not forget.

Let me start off by saying that I collect old relics from my childhood. Mostly I collect 8mm films but this lunchbox, circa 1980 was the identical one to my very first lunchbox I took to school. The real one was sold to my later regret in a yardsale. So I found the lunchbox on the left at a local antique store, it was a great price and I bought it. There was no thermos with it. But I figured one would turn up. I never really diligently looked for a thermos but I saw this one for sale in the same store later. It hung on a peg board on the third floor of the South Charleston antique mall for I don't know how long, well nigh a year. I go there once every two weeks, and every time I pass the wall there is "my" thermos. The price was $25, thus I didn't buy it. Although I would say to myself, I wished I could. I could've bought it, but I couldn't justify the cost. Well month after month went by and still no one bought it. I find this ironic somewhat because once I see something I want I feel I should snap it up because there is always a shadow behind you of a prospective buyer who will get it. I had this experience lately, but thats another story. Anyway, the Lord Himself wanted me to have it, I know this because here is the great part......

I had just finished working in Cross Lanes and was thinking, "I have some time free, lets swing by my favorite store." I had almost got to the exit and pretty much talked myself out of going when I remembered I had put in a request of the dealers for Castle Films Reels, so I thought I would go in there and scan the shelves. Well, I went. I went all through the store and went back to the back third floor where the thermos was, and it was GONE. "Well, someone finally got it," I thought. Upon closer inspection I came upon a lady stuffing boxes, her husband came with an armload of empty boxes to be filled. I casually said, "are you moving in or out?" The man said, "we're packing it all up and moving to Charlotte (WV second Capitol)." He went on to say, "anything we got left you can have for half off." I looked around and there was ol' Snoopy on top of a pile of stuff ready to be moved southward. I picked it up, saying, "this half off?" "Yes," they replied. Well I joyously snatched it and headed down the stairs as it was time to go.

What I didn't realize was the most important lesson for today, "God foreknew all those months that I would get the Snoopy thermos and for a price I could live with. " In His divine plan, that thermos was as safely mine on that peg board as if it were in my possession. The more mind blowing thing though was that God had it all arranged the very second I was to leave Cross Lanes and go to the store I had almost talked myself out of doing, I was to "redeem" that thermos just before it was going to be hauled off. The scheduling was only something God could do! It seemed like the greatest stroke of "luck," but it was God at work, and at work making sure all the details and schedules lined up in perfect order so that His plan for blessing me was to be accomplished.

I admit when I fully realized what had happened and how He orchestrated this out of my control, it will send chills down you.

Does this happen everyday? You may say "No" at first. Actually it does. How many times have you been delayed leaving somewhere only to avoid a wreck a few minutes up ahead? How many times have you been reading something from the Scriptures that the next day you would put into practice? How about God allowing you to meet someone or do something that opens wide doors for you that may change your life, while that morning you would have never dreamed of it?

I will be honest, I am somewhat pessimistic, which I am working to overcome. I think about this unexpected inescapable scheduling in the negative, "suppose today will be the day I get bad news, or today will be the day I have a car accident." These feelings perhaps you have too, are from the Devil to discourage us. I am learning all this and I believe you are too at some level in your life.

If a thermos is any indication, we have an all knowing Sovereign God who is in charge of our lives and our world. We depend fully on Him to work things out for our best.

Father, help me and those who read this realize that You are in full control of every situation. Help us to be encouraged in the knowledge that no one can thwart what You have designed. Thank You Lord for giving us strength to endure and help to believe. In Your Name, Amen.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wandering In The Mire

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:16-18

16And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

17And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

18I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,

An old English Christmas Carol entitled "Here We Come A Wassailing" has a phrase in it that describes a state of our lives. Part of one stanza states, "we who wander in the mire." The phrase describes the old tradition of people who would wander from house to house and bring with them a wassail punch (mostly spirits) and brown bread. They would sing to the occupants of the house and hope to share in the Wassail Bowl. Today Wassail is a good cider, non alcoholic drink that bears fond memories in every cup. But just as it brings memories, the song and its phrase reminds us of how we can wander in the mire.

Its not hard to realize this concept in February of 2010 as the whole Mid Atlantic coast is seeing constant snowfall. This build up of beauty makes it hard to get around in. The snow then goes from pretty white to a disgusting dingy brown and turns the ground to mud, hence we have "mire."

In the old days of the Victorian era and before, the word "mire" was used as a term for a thick, sloggy mess of mud that would ruin your clothes, make life miserable to work in it, make things look ugly and its cold clammy feel was something unwelcome. Today, though the word is used little, the concept of "mire" is appropriate. Not physical mire, but that of Spiritual Mire.

As the Prodigal Son saw in the Mire of the Hog Pen, Spiritual Mire are those things which can defile a person's relationship with God. As we Christians live our lives in the world we must trudge through it filth as well. Doubtlessly this will have effects on us all to some degree, but it is that degree that we need to keep check on.

We choose the paths in which to walk spiritually as we do physically. Remember the mud holes as kids you use to splash in even though that is not what mom wanted you to do? Remember the freshly bathed dog would run outside and hit the nearest bog or muddy part of the yard? These were choices each person makes. We choose to either avoid as much miry paths as we can or we plough through them. Spiritually speaking, we choose the same. While we would agree in our sensible state that there is nothing attractive about a mud hole or swampy mire, there is something alluring to sin. There is something in sin that attracts, fascinates, captivates, aggravates and invites us to jump head long into.

When we fall into the Spiritual Mire of Sin we do so sometimes by accident, but most times by choice. Whichever the situation here are some things that happen. Just as walking through the miry mud, we:
1. Stain our testimonies before others
2. Take on what we did desire to be cast off
3. Vex our souls with filth when we had desired purity
4. Deny many times the appearance and even protect its results upon us
5. We become ashamed as we question ourselves about the rewards of sin vs. the costs

While no one is immune to sin or its damaging consequences, we cannot use that as an excuse for poor judgement in living. How worn out is the phrase, "Well, that is just the way I am!"
If you are a true possessor of faith in Christ that statement should aptly read, "Well, that is the way I WAS, but no more." Yet myself and you have tried to excuse our misguided sights on a weakness that really has no control over us as it once did.

When we are born again, we lose that binding of slavery to sin. We are now free to choose the better path. Even if it were true that we stumble into sin blindly, it is still true that we did it because we were not focused on God's Word. We wander and wander and wander deeper in the mire of sin until we are ready to listen to the Holy Spirit's voice of correction.

So what do we do to avoid/escape wandering in the mire of Sin.

1. Stay focused on Christ and the Word. It is a discipline that is not easy as the world constantly pulls at us. Pray for strength.
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep after us in check of our sin levels. As noted earlier, we all have some degree of mire on us, keeping it cleaned off is necessary.
3. Make every choice against the standards of God's Word.
4. If found caught in the mire:
a. Desire to be in its grasp no longer
b. Ask the Lord to forgive your wanderings into it away from Him
c. Begin your journey out by repentance and head towards a deeper commitment to Christ
d. Sound off warnings to to others of the pitfalls that once ensnared you

The greatest news is that those who wander in the mire, while certainly not commended, can certainly be cleansed. As God's child, you can be just as clean as the Prodigal Son, who traded the Hog Pen for the Love of His Father by arising and going towards Him in repentance. The Father is not pleased with the muck we wallow in, but it does not separate a true Son or Daughter either.

Are you wandering in the mire of Sin? Have you wandered so long in it that it seems natural? Turn to Christ now and be cleansed, remembering the best days were the ones spent on the dry roads of His Favor.

"Father, today, I pray for those who are struggling with the mire of Sin. Help them to turn to you and be rid of the agent which defiles all of us from You. Assure them of your love, break them of rebellion, restore them by Your Loving Grace. In Your Name, Amen."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ringing Of The Cowbell

Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:7-10

7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.

Those of you who have read these devotional blog postings graciously and faithfully to which I owe you my deepest thanks, know that I love bells. I intently hope that Heaven has a bell tower and if it does it will contain the most majestic sounding tones and peals ever known. I can't tell you why I like bells other than the obvious points: the sound, the mechanics, the towers, and just the act of pulling the rope. I have never been a member of a church with a bell, but in every church I visit and think it would be okay to ask, I ring their bells.

Well now its a new year and with New Years come traditions. On New Year's Eve, on the stroke of midnight, we go outside and shout 'Happy New Year!" and then following that ceremonial chant, I would pull out a old cowbell and clang it while we give the ceremonious chant, then grab the accordion and sing Auld Lang Syne, then pray and hit the hay.

Now the cowbell isn't the most melodious instrument you will listen to, but it does have a certain qualities that you may not recognize. These qualities can remind us of the Influence and Presence of God in our lives. No, really it can, I haven't lost it altogether in pulling this together. Lets find out......

The first characteristic of the Cowbell is its Unmistakable Tone.

You do not use a cowbell for a handbell chorus or for the steeple of a majestic cathedral. No that would not be desirable simply because of its flat and rather cheap banging sound. A bell is designed to resonate its peals, and the cowbell is more muted thus not presenting a clear melody. However the cowbell is unmistakable. When the cowbell rings you know exactly what it is. You don't have to wonder what key its in, you just know its a cowbell. The Holy Spirit is like this. Of course His tone is not inharmonious, but His Voice is unmistakable. You know His Voice like sheep knows the voice of the Shepherd. The Spirit's voice is unlike any other voice as it will not lead you into temptation or sin, it seeks to guide you while glorifying God, and it calls out constantly to the believer. The Cowbell can be a welcome sound if you're familiar with it, and thus is the Holy Spirit's voice if you value His calling and help in your life. In fact, you yearn to hear it when you desire to be led by God and the ringing tone so separate from everything else is the sweetest tone you know.

The second example of the Cowbell is when it rings it provides an Indication of Movement.

Obviously by is own given name, the Cowbell is to be worn, by the cow. Actually sheep where a smaller version of the bell too in some instances. But for our discussion the cow is most thought of. Folks on a farm who have a single cow or just a few for various purposes would often need to locate their investment. Sometimes the cow will wonder far off in search of better pasture, or it would sometimes get stuck in a mud bog. In any case, every time the animal moves a bit, the bell around its neck claps its famous flat gong. This aids in the owner finding it. Again this can be an illustration of the Holy Spirit involved in our lives. You see when we move in a certain direction whether it be good or sinful, the Holy Spirit is tied about us to remind us that we are moving and He is going with us. Now the Lord doesn't need a physical device to help Him find His wayward son or daughter, but we need it to remind us of where and what we are involved with and in. Let's suppose you are doing some sort of ministry that the Lord leads you to do. As you do it, the Holy Spirit is there to cheer and encourage you as move forward in your actions for Him. On the other hand you find yourself in a place you know you shouldn't be or watching something on TV you know doesn't fit your God given character, then the Holy Spirit constantly rings out as you move farther into that sin. He reminds you of His presence and that you need to repent and get away from the place your in.

Finally, a Cowbell stays true to its purposes.
As I mentioned earlier, you never will have a sweet sounding cowbell chorus, its not designed so to be. You don't use a cowbell for any other purpose than its intent to help you find the cow. You also will find that the Holy Spirit always stays true to His purposes. The Holy Spirit cannot be one thing today and be all about something else tomorrow. Whatever God's Word says, the Spirit backs up. Whatever God's character dictates, the Spirit follows with it. We might tend to view the Trinity as three persons with the same goal yet a tendency to offer a bit different views on things. So it is with a family. The mom and dad are supposed to be agreed totally on a certain policy, yet, the child knows that he or she may be able to get on or the other parent to bend a bit to waver from the dictate and be on the child's side when he or she wants something. This is not the case with God's Spirit. You cannot go to one member of the Trinity and expect that Person to act differently. We should be so thankful that God doesn't change or is not wavering in His statutes and decisions, otherwise we would be in eternal jeopardy. Be assured that whatever the Holy Spirit renders to you, God the Father and God the Son support it wholeheartedly. The purposes of the Holy Spirit are to guide, direct, admonish, encourage, seek, provide wisdom and encouragement and to be our constant Helper and Companion. These purposes never change in their intent and function, just as a cowbell cannot change what it is intended for.

Do you have a cowbell in your home? You may not, but they aren't that expensive to obtain. Consider getting one and let it be a reminder to you of God's present working of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.