Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When The Lights Go OUT!!!!

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:14-16

Years ago, before blogs and such, I started writing stuff like you have been reading. I used to send it via email directly to folks in my list. Well, computers change and address lists get lost and so does time and I lapsed into not writing for a while. Actually it wasn't right for me just to send everyone that I had an email address for a copy of my theological opinion, people need to be asked first. I guess back then I was sort of a "Spiritual Spammer." I just want to briefly say "thank you" for your reading and reception to these postings. I trust with God's help and guidance I will be able to continue this, and please forward them on to your friends if you feel you can do so.

Having said all that, the title this week, not really dealing with New Years, is one from my old email devotionals. I used to live on a dark road in Logan, WV. We did have one street light but it never burned all the time, so there were periods we would go without light out there at night. When Christmas time came most everyone on the road put out a lot of lights. We would put out those big large bulbs sort of from the fifties, plus we would put out our ancient lighted nativity which we still put out. Anyway, all this light made the road brighter and dispelled the darkness. Then came New Year's Day and everyone began turning off their lights for good. The street became pitch black again. As I stood outside one night just looking around it occurred to me that this once well lit area, now dark, is symbolic of what will happen when the Church is raptured out of the world. The Light of our witness will be gone.

Of course we are not the Light, as John wrote of himself, but we are the carriers of the Light. No matter how the world treats you, it does not know how valuable the Christian is, until the Light they have taken for granted is removed from their sphere of existence. There will be of course 144,000 Jewish evangelists in the world during the Tribulation, yet in all this it will not be as bright in the world as it is today.

As I think about this subject again, I am sitting here looking at our wonderful Christmas tree. God has blessed us with a 9 foot artificial beauty that has about 600 lights on it. The tree glows in the darkness and illuminates all the corners of the room. This is how you and I are to be in the world we live in today. Let's look at some ways our Light of Christ impacts our world. In reading this also think of how it will be when these impacting forces are removed.

First, our Light illuminates man's sin. Now I'll admit this is not a seemingly great opening point. Seemingly no, but in reality, most definitely yes. Man feels it cruel and judgemental to have his or her sin pointed out. When done lovingly that is the best news however they can ever hear since it does not end there but gives way to hope. If hope were not present, we would be the worst lot of depressive doom talkers that ever walked. People don't seem to care to be revealed in that manner of knowing they are sinful. Man would rather be comfortable in the dark where no one sees, rather than change. Or, man feels that he will not be condemned because he doesn't believe in sin's penalty according to the Scriptures.
Dr. Charles Stanley, my favorite Bible teacher, once remarked profoundly and simply, (paraphrase) "Man cannot change God's Truth. When God says something will come to pass it is not dependent on what man believes. God's promises will come to pass as He said, it makes no difference whether we choose to believe it or not."
I don't like to go to doctors. But if there is something wrong with me that I know can be cured, the diagnosis would not be as scary or fearful to hear as it would be if there were no cure to be found. Such is true with our Light. The Light of the Gospel does reveal bad things, but it produces a cure all in the same manner. Far better it is to be cured than to live and then to die of what was easily preventable. Think what will happen when the free witness of man's sinful condition will be not heard of when the Lights go out.

Second, our Light draws the curious and the needy. For some folks, the Light of the Gospel does not intimidate them. Light always draws a crowd. Just look at the gnats in the summer and how they flock to a light bulb shining in the darkness. Folks who come seeking know on the surface at least that the Light of God's Truth is different than what they are used to. Out of curiosity here they come. This is wonderful. Folks who are unsaved ask questions inwardly and outwardly as they observe believers. They wonder in themselves how can Jesus transform me? They see the Light and want it for themselves. Hard to do when a majority of this Light is gone away from them one day. Then there is the needy. Jesus encountered the needy on a regular basis. Many came to Jesus with all sorts of needs. They knew He could relieve them of sickness and burdens. People today do the same and more so when they know their needs are deep in the soul. People feel unwanted, unloved, unattached, etc. They may have been divorced, hurt, grieving, in poverty, etc. This is the open door to shine the Light of Christ in. Christians need to help the needy understand that Jesus will help them with their problems if they put their faith in Him. Just as people stranded in a cave come running to a source of light for hope of escape, it is precisely what a non-believer does inwardly when you show Christ to them. Someone you know may not seem curious or needy now, but they will be one day and you can stand, never in pride, but in love ready to help them. That is until the Lights go out of the world.

Third, our Light warms and comforts the broken.
Light has so many qualities. I think there is no greater fitting than for Jesus Christ to be clothed in glorious Light. We read how Light draws but it can also warm and restore. Think of a campfire or bonfire on a cold fall night. It is refreshing for its Light that helps us see, but mostly for its heat to warm our body. We gravitate towards light because it comforts us. There is so much to say here on this point. But distinctly, Light makes the grand difference in a person's health and their soul's destiny. One who is constantly exposed to physical darkness are more depressed, their bodies do not function well, and their attitudes are usually negative. People walk into my church every week with great weight upon their hearts. If the church of our Lord were no different and our message was no different then we rank no better than a secular counsellor. People don't go to a dentist when they are having stomach pains. Likewise, the Light is where they need to go, where they know there is help, comfort, relief, and acceptance. Not so easy when the Light goes out of the world.

Lastly, our Light gives an eternal hope that no one else gives. It is true that people come to church for hand outs, be it monetary, food, or something else. That is fine, Jesus did not turn these people away. BUT. our kind of Light does not promise dollars on trees, but is far more concerned with what is about to come in a person's life, namely eternity, and will outlast the problems of this life without blinking. Yes people need groceries and power bills payed. But deep down they (even the wealthy) know there needs to be more. Nothing we earn or do can assure us of our spiritual needs. When Jesus encountered people, yes He saw their immediate needs, but He saw their souls within the body. He came as a Shepherd to guide the wayward flock out of the prairies of disillusion to the Delectable Mountains of His grace. The forgiveness of an eternal condemnation is worth more than all the money in the world. We will clearly see that more profoundly when we cross over and see the glories of God in us. People yearn for this. They may not do it properly or with religious piety, but they desperately want someone to lead them out of their darkness. This is our job. A job coming at an end, quickly.

Do you remember the dark void left by turning off the lights? Do we take for granted the freedom we have to be expressers of the Light of God? Have you considered how dark the world around you will be, when no Light is to be found.

We need the desire afresh from God to be working in the fields while it is yet day, for night comes, when NO one can work. Value the Light God has put with in you, then share it with others in some way. We cannot make people come to Christ, but while we are here we can help lead the way. What a horrible thing it will be for those who scoff at the Light to plunged into eternal darkness! Hell is that place. The main characteristic of Hell is darkness. This should tell us how important our Light is.

Remember, one small candle is enough to fill a whole dark empty space. Wherever there is the True Light of Christ, darkness cannot co-exist.

Father, please help me and all who read this to use our time wisely for You. As 2009 arises, our Light may be raptured out soon. What a glorious day for us, but a horrible day for the unbeliever. Help us to shine brightly as a beacon of Your Hope in the days ahead. In Your Name, Amen.

Image by Santa Lane

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good King Jesus

Scripture Reading:  John 1:1-14

In the United States, we do not know what it is like to live under a monarchy (the rule by a King or Queen). My ancestors on both sides all knew what it was like. They knew that the rule of one family can bless or alter adversely the affairs of many. In 1620, the Sampsons came to the shores of the New World. They boarded a small leaky vessel called the Mayflower. At the time, the voyage must have seemed like a desperate venture, now written into a once respected chapter of America's history. The Pilgrim's as they were called left what was dear to them in England because the King had made the practice of faith in Christ unlawful. Even after the colonies in America were established, the King still had chief control. His authority could be felt in every matter of life. Should the King have been fair then there would not have been any reason to desire a move away from his control. Interestingly, in the Revolutionary period of America, the control of the King was demanded heavily to which the common reply from many patriots was, "we have no King but Jesus Christ."

In the world of the Bible as well as in our semi recent past, the King was either loved or hated depending on how he saw the way of life should be for the common man. Most times the King became a tyrant, but in the case of the Kings of Judah, most feared the Lord God and it showed in their goodwill to the people.

Though you may feel yourself far removed from the monarchical system, you need to realize we are living under the Supreme Monarch. When people hear words like this, unbelievers scoff and say you are throwing in religion where a monarch is clearly something really on Earth. Such people are blinded to the confines of this planetary sphere. They can see nothing of what lies ahead or the divine world that is ever present among them. That is precisely why we have Christmas. It is the celebration of the One Who stepped out of the Divine and into the Earthly by being born in a humble fashion and then presenting the way for mortal men and women to come to His Divine Kingdom once we are finished living on this Earth. Poets and playwrights from all ages have tried to equate this true and awesome plan but they can never come to the real understanding and heart experience that comes from knowing Jesus Christ personally rather than academically. As you read this, many of you have trusted in this One who came as a babe to save us, yet some do not know. The remainder of this text will be joyous for both saint and sinner alike. For the saint, the graciousness of our King towards us is forever praiseworthy. For the sinner who has not trusted in Christ, this is the best liberating news that can ever be spoken to you.

This Christmas Day, here are three quick points that set apart King Jesus from all others:

First,  King Jesus has a heart that goes beyond His own interests.  Even the best of earthly Kings on their best day still in the deepest of their hearts look after number one.  After all, kings are powerful and the people under their control are just there to service him.  Yet Jesus sees the heart and hears the hurt.  Jesus not only rules over His creation, but one of the reasons why He loves His subjects is that He created them.  He not only created them to live on this Earth, moreover, He created them to live in His Kingdom in Heaven.  This love is so strong that it made Him leave all of His comforts far beyond our understanding, and step into this world.  Christ did not simply step into this world for all to see and laud as a typical king would do, but came to be one of us.  Not in effect, but literally become the lowliest of all His own subjects.  This is His heart for you and me.  Earthly rulers may make good choices for others benefits, but only King Jesus personally got involved.  Of course, His ultimate involvement was the sacrifice of His own life on the cross, there could be not a greater expression of selfless love.  But we tend to forget the sacrifice of just becoming and living as a man.  He put on vile flesh, lived in a disease infested smelly world.  He hungered, worked, laughed, wept, and did everything that we do, all because He desired to be our High Priest so that one day we would have an advocate who not only paid for our sins, but knew how desperate the mortal condition is.  No one but Jesus would dare to do this.  Romans 5:8 tells us that when no one else would consider the lowliest of creation worthy to die for, Christ died for us.

Second, King Jesus does not ignore any of His subjects for any reason.  It is the habit of mankind to play favorites.  In fact the best way to have favor with an earthly king was to prove your loyalty by act of gift.  Should the king like you, you were favored, if not, life was miserable at best.  However, King Jesus made no distinction.  Jesus does not have a partiality scale.  Romans 10:9-10 tells us that whoever comes to the Lord shall be saved from wrath to come.  John the Apostle who knew Jesus best recorded that whoever comes to Christ will not be turned away for any reason.  The foundation under this is the contrast between the strength of love and the strength of need.  Earthly kings favor certain individuals because they need their influence or wealth or loyalty to bolster the kingdom's success.  Christ needs no one, Christ CHOOSES us.  The kingdom of God does not rest on the pillars of human power.  Citizenship in Heaven is a privilege.  His shed blood covered every sin we commit so no one can possibly be left out.   If we are left out of His kingdom it is by our own choice.  The thief on the cross asked most simply and most profoundly, "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom."  This was a request typical of subjects to monarchs, a plea for acceptance and mercy.  Bear in mind this was a man rightfully punished probably for murder or treason, yet King Jesus told him without reservation that the thief would be with the King in Paradise this very day.  No one is turned away from the Kingdom of the King of Kings.

Lastly, King Jesus fulfills His promises according to His own Word.  Whether we live under the rule of a monarch or an elected political official, their word is no good.  I don't mean this accusatory or condemning, but simply stated their word is no good because they don't have it within themselves to keep the truth.  This is not because they are political, its because they are sinful, as we all are.  The binding that holds all the promises of God together is because the King is God who cannot lie.  Should Christ forfeit a promise in any slight way, the Kingdom would be imperfect and alike to any other Earthly kingdom.  God's Word cannot be broken.  Christ not only always tells the Truth, but He is the TRUTH, the author of it and the fulfiller of it.  The Kings name in the Trinity of God is "The Word."  The promise of the Word was not just verbal but practical.  The promise of the Word was given and was carried out by its Author. 
Earthly kings promises have good intentions, but only God has perfect Truth behind it to enforce it.  That same Truth is the same guarantee that He makes to you and me.  Can you grasp hold of a stalwart never changing Truth?  The Truth is the definition of who King Jesus is and the confidence we have in Him is based on His unfailing perfection in Truth.  Jesus even made the assurance that not one small punctuation mark in all of His promises will not go unfulfilled when time is at an end.  Even if the promises of God seem far off from being fulfilled, know that in His time nothing promised will be left out.  Nothing in God's Word is placed for filler or embellishment, absolutely everything has meaning and purpose backed by His own Truth.

If your a Christian, we have much to rejoice over.  Just to think that our King is not like others that we have to wonder about or live in dread of.  Such a comfort it is to know that such a powerful King, who could use all of His might against us, chose to use all of His might for our good and benefit!  We have a home, a King and a Kingdom awaiting us when we die, can there be any better news?  

If you are not sure about your relationship to King Jesus, you can be.  The fact is, we are all sinners, lost and condemned to the dungeon of Hell.  This was already laid upon us before we were born because of Adam's sin.  BUT, King Jesus came into this world on the day we celebrate as Christmas just for you.  He lived, died on the cross and rose from the dead so that you wouldn't  have to face Hell for your sinful penalty.  He has an outstretched hand towards you.  He desires you become not a subject, but a son or daughter in His royal family.  You can be that today and forever by simply admitting you are a sinner and placing your faith in Him to pay the sin debt for you and trust in Him as your Lord and Savior.  Call upon Him to save you and He will.  You are the reason for His birth, don't shut Him out of your life.  
He who loved you so much is Your Friend, Savior and King.  

Praise the Lord for His wondrous love to the children of men.  Lift up your hearts in praise of His goodness and reign that we should be alive in Him and not condemned as we deserve.  Blessed be the name of the Lord forever.  Good King Jesus Christ. King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

How can we express our gratitude for Your matchless love!  Thank you that the King of Kings thinks and acts on our behalf.  We can be no greater a blessed people.  For eternity shall break forth upon us and the full wonder shall be ours through You Lord.  Accept our thanks  and praise and blessed be the day of Your birth.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Peace For Our Time

Scripture Reading: John 14:25-27

Recently I had an opportunity to share God's Word with a group of senior citizens at an assisted living home. Of course it is Christmas time and I wondered what to share with folks, some of which have heard the Christmas message scores of times. The theme of Christmas throughout the ages has been the message of the angel to the Shepherds of "peace on Earth." This buzzword seems to be involved in a lot of things from decorations to cards. Men want peace on the Earth, but they are not so sure how to get it or to maintain it. So I was wondering how to get the message of the Promise of Peace across. So I recalled two illustrations from the past of the greatest generation. Two people. Prime Minister Chamberlain of England and General Douglas MacArthur of the USA. Now you may think what does these two people have to do with peace or Christmas? Well....here it goes......

In the late 1930's the United States was burdened with an economic disaster called the Great Depression. Europe, though financially more prosperous, had a storm cloud looming over it with the portrait of Adolf Hitler in its billows. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain thought he could appease Hitler's thirst for conquest by making available the Sudetenland. He heralded the Munich Agreement as a tremendous success and said this agreement was guarantee of "peace for our time." Shortly thereafter Germany seized Czechoslovakia and the Second World War commenced not long after that. Why? Simply because REAL peace cannot be negotiated by man or granted by man. Any man is lawless and depraved and incapable of righteous behavior apart from the help and influence of Jesus Christ in the life of a believer. The second major flaw in mankind trying to establish "peace" is that man's peace is established by man's wavering standards.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY author of "peace in our time." Of course that seems narrow minded to most folks, but they either fail to see or choose not to see how human peace doesn't last or doesn't work. The reason why is because true peace is an inward matter of the heart, and particularly of the soul's eternal standing. Jesus said that the kind of peace that He gives is not like the world gives. The world makes a divine promise on a flawed table. Until you meet the Prince of Peace in your heart and have your eternity settled, than no earthly peace will be gained as well. This is not to say that if you get nervous, worried, or depressed that it is a sure mark you're not really a Christian. What it does mean is that when the Prince of Peace reigns in your heart, you have someone to lean on when it looks rough. You know that even if the present circumstances look hopeless we have the surety that God will work things out. Lost people have no such guarantee. Their hope of peace is always foreshadowed by the unsurety of man's explosive emotions.

This unsurety sets the stage for a man or woman to look upon the Christmas scene more intently. When the prophet's Isaiah and Micah penned God's promise of a Messiah who would not only bring peace but would rule in it, man began to have hope. The prophets identified what kind of a person Christ would be, the town in which He would be born, and His given Name and Program. Man is searching for something deep inside. He or she may not know what it is, but they need to understand its not in a what but in Who. If they would be open to listening to what God says then the blanks would be filled in their empty hearts with proper information.

When Jesus Christ was born into the world EVERYTHING changed. Though it may have seemed on the outward appearance that very little to nothing had changed. The first dramatic change was that PEACE literally came to the world. Peace, the Person, came as a Light to a dark place. Peace illuminated our gloom, reshaped our goals, transformed our hearts, and secured our eternal destiny by His Death and Resurrection. The power of darkness, though mighty at the time of this writing, now had its death sentence pronounced by the King of Kings. Had Jesus' birth not been that important, Satan would have not tried so desperately to kill Him both then and all the while He lived. As Jesus was born, all hopes of a dark empire now vanished. The King dwells with His people! Emmanuel--God with us!

Mr. Chamberlain couldn't guarantee the peace of Christ. because He didn't have the authority of Christ. Mankind cannot guarantee what he or she does not have to begin with.

After His Resurrection, Jesus ascended into Heaven. The next phase of His great promise was now beginning. That was His return in power and glory. Here is the second parallel that was shared with my talk to the Assisted Living folks. Perhaps you recall from history the phrase made by General MacArthur to troops he temporarily left behind. The phrase is, " I shall return" is a promise that Christ made over a Milena before MacArthur. Like the General, Christ left us in the world to do His instructions. Believers will be under fire, mocked and scorned, etc. Still the promise holds hope and rings true. One blessed day we shall see Him return for His church. We shall behold Him face to face and live with Him.
The signal of MacArthur's return was the waves of airplanes and sight of naval war crafts. They all said one thing, "MacArthur kept his word." So to shall the coming of the Messiah be. The whole sky will be filled with His Glory and we shall be changed instantly to the body we have believed and hoped for.

Alter a time of unspeakable tribulation, peace will come in our time in a literal physical fashion. At the Second Coming, the whole program will be different. The King is here not to be lowly and walk among His haters, but now clothed in majesty like no other. There will literally be peaceful relations with nations, peace with unfriendly beasts, peace with the government, peace with all men because the King is here on His throne to personally oversee it. There will be no empty letter of promises, but a sure and certain reign of THE PROMISE. What a glorious time to look forward to!

In conclusion, while I write this, even I admit that all that has been discussed and what we are looking for seems distant and far off, perhaps by human reasoning even too good to be true. However we must remember that Christmas set the stage for a new order of living far different than what we have always known. Had Christ not been born in Bethlehem, the darkness would have thickened to the point of total hopelessness. Imagine a world without John 3:16, or a world where God does not care to intervene. Christmas is all about peace, but its peace that is not like the world's cheap substitute. Real peace comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you have Him in your heart? If you do then the miracle of Christmas is fulfilled in you. The peace given by salvation in Christ only awaits that glorious day when every eye shall behold Him. Those who cursed Him will wail at His piercings, but we the redeemed know no beautiful portrait than nail prints that made possible our peace. When all of life is said and done, there is nothing more a man craves than peace. All the money, fame, popularity, etc fades into the abyss of eternity. But for the believer, Jesus Christ stands in that place with an open hand to welcome us home. What a great and certain peace available in our time!

Father, thank you for sharing Your Son in this world to be the perfect Son of Peace and the payment for our sins. As we celebrate this Christmas season, cause us to remember the great price and plan made for our personal redemption. We as a a people are so underserving. But more than we are undeserving are You loving. Help us to share that Gospel message with others and in a tangible way too. We love You Lord, thank You for first loving us. Graciously we thank You for the wonder that is ours in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Herod: Puppet On A String

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-18

Once the Messiah Prophecy was fulfilled, it made no small stir in the community. Many people rejoiced, many scoffed, but one man became really worried, really fast. Herod, set up ruler of Israel under Caesar Augustus. Herod is an interesting character in the Scripture.

Three things are interesting to note about this "king."
First, Herod wasn't a Jew. Second, Herod wasn't a royal member or even a distant cousin nine times removed of King David. Lastly, Herod was a coward in a brave man's throne. The most significant realization of Herod is that he was controlled by the Devil, for the Devil's purposes, while all the time Herod thought he was acting on behalf of his own interests.

In the latter middle ages, many carols came to life in England. Many of these carols have found a place in our Christmas traditions. One of these is the "Coventry Carol." It is of a stark contrast to traditional carols in that while they speak of joyous tidings, Coventry recounts and remembers the "massacre of the Innocents," carried out by Herod. One of the carol's lyrics defines Herod as "this man of might in his own sight." How true. Man sees only himself and what he does. Man's centralized thinking writes God out of plans and actions. Man does this because he is blinded by Satan and has no concept of Divine matters. Naturally then man sees his own affairs of paramount importance. This is why mankind is largely self centered, desperate, controlling, fearful, obstinate, and overly wise in their own rationale and perception (for this is all they have).

Like Herod, all sinful mankind is but a puppet on Satan's string. Man does as Satan voluntarily or involuntarily directs. Man thinks himself or herself to be acting on their own impulses (which they do) but are unknowingly fulfilling Satanic purposes against themselves and Christ all behind the curtain they are blind to. So why talk about Herod at all in this time of the Christmas season? Simply, Herod plays an important role in helping us see that the King of Kings has nothing to fear or compete with from earthly rulers. Let's see why.

First, God's Kingdom doesn't advance on the fear of loss. When Herod heard what the Messiah, this new King, would do, one thought crossed his mind. "I am not the rightful King of Israel, I will lose my position, my castle, my status, the new King must be killed, or I will be." All Herod could see is what lay before him. God's Kingdom on the other hand looks at not only what is ahead, but what will last for eternity. Herod didn't really, I think, sort out all the spiritual implications of the Messiah's birth, he just saw a threat. When a man cheats or gets somewhere unlawfully, deep down inside the thought plagues him that he will lose eventually to the right person or manner. So Satan capitalized on this and used Herod. As long as Satan could keep the status of King dangling in front of Herod's eyes, Satan could mask a more sinister plan to kill the Infant King Jesus. Who is it then that can steal anything from the Lord? Who has seriously challenged the security of His Kingdom and stands a chance against Him? No one. Yet a helpless cooing baby was enough to unnerve a puppet king to rash fearful action. In the end, God's Kingdom will triumph and that never taking thought of loss. Jesus said that the Church will crash through the gates of Hell and never be defeated.

Second, God's Kingdom doesn't resort to duping its servants to do God's will.
Though God doesn't always fill us in on the complete details of every plan, He never has us do one thing in order to unknowingly do something else. There is no guile in God's camp. When God spoke to the prophets, He gave them a clear message to tell. The standards of God's law do not change. This is so opposed to a world swallowed up in change. God never tells us to do something against His own standards. We ought to have and can have an open relationship with God. None of the Devil's servants are the Devil's friends. Yet Jesus in John 15:15 plainly told His disciples, "I have not called you servants, but My friends." Friends have a relationship not formed in deceit. Herod had very little friends. Those he did have probably were such out of fear or want. To live under a tyrant breeds no true friendship. But it was all the Herod knew being the child of darkness. We have it better, we as believers are children of Light. Light always reveals, it never disguises.

Thirdly, God's Kingdom doesn't rely on earthly power solely to accomplish its goals. But wait a minute! Didn't Jesus send out twelve ordinary men? Didn't God promise Abraham the seed of the nation of Israel? Wasn't it John the Baptist who prepared the way of the Lord? The answer to all these is "yes." The important thing to remember though that God is not dependent on us, He chooses to use us. Satan on the other hand does depend on human involvement. Satan influences man to wreack havoc in the world. The reason is that Satan is bound to this world. On the other hand, God directly rules everything and everywhere. God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Satan is none of those things. Satan is powerful, much too powerful for even the strongest of Christians to take on single handed. Yet, in all his rage and power, Satan MUST use flawed beings. If God solely depended on such, the world could not and would not have any justifiable hope in Him. We see from the text that Herod had to send out the Wisemen to find Jesus. Herod had to use soldiers to slaughter in order to preserve himself. Herod had to rely on religious men to tell him the Truth recorded by Micah the prophet, for he had no knowledge himself. The king of any nation is nothing without his servants. God is the Supreme Exception!

Lastly, God's Kingdom doesn't have to shoot in the dark to achieve its needs. God has no "Plan B" for the salvation of mankind. It has never entered in the mind of God to desperately try to hold control over everything. When God acts, it is intentional and direct. Satan on the other hand could not quite kill baby Jesus directly. Herod's grand plan was to kill every male child born in a certain time frame. Herod figured that he would surely end this threat to his rule by carrying out a massive shotgun raid. All he managed to do was fulfill a prophecy in spite of himself (Jeremiah 31:15). Though in all that sadness that cannot be accurately described, comes the Prince of Peace and the Giver of Life. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He didn't wonder, "now will this do it?" Sovereignty shoots a straight arrow and hits the mark every time. Satan is not Sovereign, nor are his servants.
Blanket attacks, endless attempts, redirected strategies, vain endeavors, all this has no place in God's Kingdom. Even in the last hours of the known world, Satan will try to rally a force against King Jesus. It is interesting that the Saints coming with Christ in the battle of Armageddon wear no weapons. We simply watch God wipe out evil with His words. God spoke the world into existence in a single purposed manner, likewise He can speak them out too.

So here we are. Its Christmas time, lots of busy preparations. In all this consider the power of God. After all, had God not acted purposefully and sovereignly as He did, we would flounder with all the world in a never winning battle. We would all be led along by the Old Liar never knowing who was really controlling our movements, thoughts, or blinded us from our condemnation. But God who is rich in mercy, saved us from all our sins and cut our strings by the love of His heart, the shedding of His blood, and the Resurrection of His body.

How about you today, are you trusting in your own wisdom or desires above God's? Does the attitude of your life reflect a life dependent on God, or, strung along by Satan? I urge you to consider the fate of a life not placed in Christ. If your life is in Christ, let's humbly show the world there is a better life with no strings attached!

Heavenly Father, thank You for not being such a one as the Devil. Thank You that You love us and have no plans to condemn those who trust in You. Forgive us when we falter and turn our hearts once again to the great all encompassing wonder of why You came just for us. We have in You a Sovereign who is not disturbed with fear, duping, or rash behavior. Thank You for the privilege of calling You Father and Jesus, Brother and Friend. Help us to keep this in mind this Christmas. In Your Name, Amen.

Image by: Meul

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Annunciation To The Heart

Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-38

It is perhaps one of the most respected and celebrated events in all the Bible, The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary the Virgin. This singular event signaled the complete and wondrous turning point of events to change the human soul. There has been scores of paintings made to illustrate the event, there is a church in Israel dedicated and named for the event, there have been songs written, movies made, and many other such elements to commemorate the event.

The Annunciation was made particularly unique because of the Message, the messenger, and the implications the decree would fulfill. The Annunciation Message to Mary was in some sense a prophecy, as she did not give birth at that instant, but moreover it was a Royal Decree that was going to happen. The Annunciation was not a suggestion, the angel informed Mary she was chosen, the Christ would be conceived in her without sexual relations, she would deliver, and He the Christ would in turn deliver the whole world from their sins. All these plans were decrees from God who made it happen. This was His will towards us, it was not for debate or challenge.

The Annunciation was unique because of who delivered the Message. The Angel Gabriel. This was no small thing. God sent His finest and most powerful messenger to proclaim the enacting of the Messianic event. Gabriel had the direct Word from the mouth of God. Gabriel stands at the throne of God and dispatches His decrees. I personally believe that it was Gabriel who appeared to the Shepherds in the field, and though I cannot prove it, he may just well be the angel that sounds the trumpet, proclaims the woe of the world, and announces the judgements to fall in the world in the book of Revelation. If you were to receive a visit from Gabriel, it would not be taken lightly. This singularly is evidence of the important nature of Christ's birth into the world.

The Annunciation was the most important because of its implications for the world. The Messiah, the Deliverer, Savior, was to come into the world and end the darkness of condemnation. Gabriel told Mary specifically the name of the Child was to be Emmanuel, "God With Us." Now the last three words of the previous sentence you've probably heard over and over again to describe the name of Christ. However, when you stop to consider the all out change and difference in the experience of mankind, to have the Creator physically live amongst the creation, is astronomical in thought, realization, etc. This is something that no other pagan god ever could fulfill or even promise. The Divine not just stepping into the world, but taking on human form to live as we do is just flat out incredible! Rightly so, we often are awed by the sufferings of Christ at Calvary, but do we stop to consider the awesome sacrifice it took for God to lay aside all of His glory and put on a defiled body for our sakes!?? The birth of Christ forever changed the course of our soul's destiny, what an awesome message that God would think upon us, and make a way that we should live with Him by His loving choice. The Annunciation ripped open the gloom of this world and set the stage for the realization of mankind that Heaven can be reached and peace with God can be obtained by trusting in Christ. No more was the message of Hope and the coming Messiah a seemingly far off event. Now it was about to happen!

Now after two thousand years of church history, does the Annunciation have any place in the believer's heart other than an appreciation for what happened? I believe it does as it teaches us three things:

First, The Annunciation teaches us that God is intimately interested and involved in the affairs of men. The mind cannot grasp the wealth and knowledge of God, let alone comprehend that all of this wondrous blessings are targeted towards undeserving mankind. Just to think that the Sovereign God who created all that we know and experience not only thinks of us but gets involved on a physical plain to bless us. God so separates Himself from man made religions in the fact that false gods are always seen lording over the people. Yet while God certainly does rule and reign, He does not stay in His elaborate temple. God walks, breathes, talks, and hears from a man's perspective of our plights and problems. Jesus healed the sick, forgave sinners, freed the spiritually bound, opened eyes, washed feet, and taught in person. He does the same today in the form of the Holy Spirit that resides personally in the believer.

Second, The Annunciation teaches us that God can use any form of communication He desires. God has no limits. God spoke to Adam with His own voice. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. God spoke to John by a vision, and God used an angel to not only speak to Mary but others through the Scriptures. So the question here is, does God still use an angelic messenger to proclaim His message? On the whole I would say not. I say this only because the job of the Holy Spirit within the believer is to direct and guide. However, I would not deny that someone in the world today has encountered a real angel either in human form, or in their divine state. There have been numerous reports of angelic "sightings" by many. Though we don't hunt for them like some do for UFOs, God has every right to allow one of His created beings to appear directly to either communicate or in many cases to protect.

Thirdly, The Annunciation lets us know that God favors us by letting His purposes be accomplished in our frailty. The first words to the messenger Gabriel out of Mary's lips were, "how can this [divine conception] happen since I have had no sexual relations with a man?" She admitted her inability to conceive other than the natural way and she admitted the inability of her mind to understand the whole matter. Neither would we in the same situation. But God kindly favored Mary despite herself. He was willing to place in her the most precious apple of His eye, His own Son. He entrusted Mary and Joseph to look after Jesus in His growing up years. This was no small task! God knew though His Son was perfect, that His earthly caretakers were not. God knows you and I are frail and prone to sin, yet He gives us opportunities every day to witness, be a blessing, meet a need, pray for others, give our finances, support the work of the ministry, achieving His plans and timetable through flawed beings.
When Mary found out all the things the Angel Gabriel said, she exclaimed, "my soul does magnify the Lord!" This was an expression of joy partly for the honor of the task, but also she knew God was going to use her fragility in His Strength. She knew it magnified His might not hers. The same exclamation ought to be true of us.

From that time till now, only two other announcements has been knowingly made with such great power and Divine physical presence to men and women and that was Paul's conversion on the Damascus road and John's Revelation. But there is another Annunciation, in fact, the greatest ever given. The Annunciation that Jesus died for your sins, and by simply trusting in Him, repenting (turning) from your sin and receiving Him into your heart as Lord and Savior, you personally can have eternal life in Heaven right now. This Annunciation doesn't come with the rush of angel's wings, or thunder and lightning from the sky, but that still small voice pleading with you to come to Christ before the gates are shut and grace will have ended.

Christian, the Annunciation keeps us in mind that one greater than Gabriel, God the Holy Spirit, resides in us. Listen for His divine decrees in your life. Be so thankful He is willing to talk with us and be patient with us. Thank Him today for the wonderful ways He comforts and talks to us when no one else listens or understands. One who stays in constant contact with you and me all through life. Give Him glory and thank Him for being willing to tell us where we were headed and now change that heading to walk with Him forever!

Heavenly Father, thank You for being willing to proclaim to us not only the Gospel but to encourage us and announce to us Your Truths and ways. Help us to be good listeners and appreciate all the more Who You are and what You have done for us who never deserved anything better than Hell itself. Help us to tell others about You, to announce to them how they can have You in their hearts and lives too. Thank you Lord, In thy name, Amen.