Scripture Reading: Luke 21:1-3
Once there was a missionary coming home to America from Africa. He had spent most of his life in Africa, he had labored so long and hard, even leaving behind a wife and his children buried there due to a small pox epidemic. Travel in those days was by ocean liner. As the missionary's ship pulled into the harbor port he noticed crowds all gathered on the piers waving flags and cheering. He had no idea what it was all about. As he departed the ship he per chance thought somehow maybe it could be for him, but he knew that was not at all likely. After disembarking he found out that Teddy Roosevelt was also on that ship and that the crowds were cheering for him. Mr. Roosevelt had returned from a long hunting safari in Africa. With this knowledge, the missionary got away from the crowd and went down an alley and sat on a box. He looked up to Heaven and asked God why couldn't he receive such a "Welcome Home" celebration. After all Mr. Roosevelt was only over there a month and was only hunting. The missionary spent the better part of his life there in God's service and there was no one to even say hello to him. Then the missionary recounted how God simply told him in his heart, "The reason why is because you are not home yet."
The illustration by Gustave Dore of the Widow's Mites says a lot about God who sees in secret. Jesus is calling attention, His attention, to the disciples about the event transpiring. No doubt the disciples seeing many folks pouring lots of money into the treasury of the temple thought these two pennies had no real value or help. Jesus knew differently. Here is why our seemingly small service is valuable to God:
First, Jesus looks at the heart before He looks at the service or gift. This woman only had two mites to put in. She had no other money anywhere in the world. This was it. She could have kept them back but she desired to give to God. We see that money is not really what God wants, He can accomplish His purposes easily without some printed piece of metal. What God desires is that we value Him more than what we value in the world. What we see as valuable in this life should not be put ahead of God. To do so would be idolatry. Therefore, when we serve God we should do it with a heart that is willing and joyous to make a contribution to His work. Size does not matter to Him, but because we are willing to please Him shows our love for Him that is loyal and far more valuable.
Secondly, works done without the praise of men are valued by the Lord. Here is where the rubber really meets the road as it were. We often think because no one saw or complimented us as we did something for the Lord "behind the scenes" as it were that its not important. We gauge the success or failure of some deed on the appreciation man shows to it. No one came up to the woman later and said, "bless you sister, you have done so much by giving us everything that we wold like to write your name on the temple wall and have a portrait of you made for the next Sabbath's synagogue lesson on giving." Her offering went unnoticed and largely unheard to men because of its small size. The Lord however tells us that it is the weak or baser thongs of this world He uses to confuse the tall and mighty. The Lord who sees in secret has a larger reward awaiting us because we did not do something that would have benefited us for the short term having the praise of men attributed to us. This is not to say if you do receive some recognition that it is bad, but it should not be your motive.
Thirdly, an act of love and service to God is used in ways only He can direct. What seems to you as small can be used to fulfilling a need that only your work can do. If a goal is to be reached say of $100.00 then $99.98 will not do. That total of your contribution added to others giving many dollars is just as important. The need cannot be met without their contributions nor can it be met without yours. Jesus did not balk at the small boys lunch which was only enough to feed the boy and not five thousand, yet this is what He used and not only used but multiplied. Though your work may be small in your eyes it can be multiplied in ways we don't know about when we do it for the Lord. For example, you may be folding bulletins. You do this by yourself, not a soul watching, but if those bulletins had not been folded, no one next Sunday would have received them, and no one would have been blessed because they didn't receive them. You are an important link in that chain. Suppose the bathrooms were not cleaned by you this week. What does that say about the Lord's house and the testimony of Him? He delights when we do the tasks nobody desires, because that is what He did repeatedly, its His heart.
Lastly, we need to realize that the Kingdom cannot function as long as we're looking for an easier way. I remember trying to make a scale plastic model of a sailing ship. My favorite part was the cannons that protruded from the decks. I wanted to assemble that part first. Well according to directions if I did that the rest of the model would not fit right. That is the same way with the Christian service. We like to do things that we know will make us look good or shortcut some difficult task. We don't like to be menial task people. I think its funny watching home repair shows on TV. You see all this work done in 30 minutes but you never see the hours of labor it took to get to that point. The small grunt work must take place first. BUT we say, how come others get to reap the benefits and be in the spotlight when I did all the hard unwanted work??? It goes back to our priorities. Do we really find our satisfaction in pleasing Christ or in pleasing us? We need to realize joyfully though that we doing all the grunt work may seem ineffective now, but God does not soon forget this work. He sees our hearts as well as our hands. A reward is coming, far greater than what we could have received on Earth. But we need to do the work as He gives it to do.
To wrap up, there still is that nagging question again, "does what I do really matter?" Simply answered it matters to God or He would not have us do it. A slave master has no regard for the hardship he or she puts on those under them. However Jesus told us that we were not slaves to Him, but His personal Friends. Friends shall be rewarded. Not just by some high honor or royal display, but by seeing a pleased face of the Master and seeing the benefit in the lives represented in the courts of Heaven. A life changed is far more rewarding than a trophy on the shelf or a name in the bulletin. Jesus said that one person sows the seed, another waters, but God gives the increase. What you do may seem so insignificant, but like a 1000 piece puzzle, it is not complete without your one little piece put it.
A former pastor of mine once said, "if there is a front row in Heaven, those of us in public ministry will not sit there, but it will be for the ones who labored long and hard and were never seen."
Your service matters. It means everything to God. Though you do not see all that is going on, know this, it is God we are serving, He sees in secret and rewards in public. That public is all of the Heavenly congregation for all eternity.
Father, thank you for allowing us to be serving you. Lord, so many times we have hearts for service but our flesh gets so discouraged. Uplift us and refocus our attention on what is really important and know that you do not forget us, nor do you intend for us to go unrewarded in great measure as it has been given to you. Encourage us this day. May we continue to serve with the right heart and right motives. In your name we praise you. Amen.
A reminder to keep your eyes upon the skies, Jesus is coming soon!