Sunday, August 31, 2008

Time Well Spent

Scripture Reading Psalm 90:4-12

How many times have you been working, sometimes feverishly, under a deadline and the hands on the clock or watch seems to be spinning, when at other times they seem to barely move. Years ago I purchased a used pocket watch. The watch was made in 1860 in England, so at that time it would have been about 140 years old. Needless to say it had some issues. The issue was that it was counting 50 second minutes in place of 60 second ones. Now ten seconds lost seems negligible, however, at the end of the hour, the watch was quite off. The situation describes a lot of times how we experience life and what we take time to notice and what we don't. Ten seconds lost seems so minuscule until we need that extra time. When every second counts, when we need all the time to squeeze in we can get, when you wished you had more time, when you wished that clock "moved" more slowly...then we appreciate all the time we do have and the filling of that time with what is profitable and not what is wasted.

We waste so much time in life. I am no exception, I may even be the official representative. God does not desire for us to waste our time. Does that mean that we cannot enjoy or be relaxed? No, as everything, there is moderation for rest as there is for work. However, I would say that we as Christians would all agree that there will never be quite enough time when it comes to knowing Who God is, What His Word says, and How it relates to our lives, therefore we cannot afford to be idle.

The writer of this Psalm, Moses, gives an excellent discourse in the passage for this time. Seven verses in this passage tells us that mankind has enmity with God and He is angry with them for sins committed, and its by His mercy we are all not already finished off. But in verse 9, Moses caps it all by a simple reminder to himself and us, that in all the time that man has, that we should survey the span of our life and see what is really important--To Apply Our Hearts To Wisdom.

How many people have you and I encountered that somehow knew that their lives would be long lived and that if there would be any notice of God, it would come at the end of life, after the body was too old and feeble to "enjoy" sin any longer. We go so long and experience so much in life yet we do not seem to take time for God. That is so ironic, but its true. The problem with the worldly reasoning of "making our peace," or, "getting religion" right at the end mostly fails unless God intervenes. The heart of man in not naturally inclined towards God in the first place, and after a life of rejection its very hard for that heart to even want what they have long forgotten. Its sort of like trying to start a car on a AA Battery, when what is needed is a stronger battery.

That is why Moses wanted us to know that time is short, so we would be infinitely wise to learn and practice what God says. Many Christians however, seem to object to the pursuit of knowing God. Some excuses are,
  • I have no time
  • The Bible is too hard for me to learn and understand
  • I learn what I need at church, that's enough
  • I don't want to be a fanatic
  • There will be plenty of time for me to grow into this theology stuff
I really don't think a true believer intentionally shuts out God, but nonetheless they do it by making excuses for something that they know will change what they have been comfortable with.

Let's look at some of the definite benefits that come with taking time to know God,
  • Knowledge of His Character
  • Understanding of how He chooses to work in lives
  • A relief from stresses of life
  • A sure hope that transcends this world
  • Knowledge of His Word
  • Share His thoughts and ideas
  • Share His Heart
These are but a few. The real reason we should want to spend time with God is to become more like Christ. We see enough of how the world acts. We as believers are called out to stand out, not in stark madness and weird behavior, but in kind example and a lifestyle that gives man a desire to know for themselves what is inwardly different about you.

How is this time well spent accomplished?
  • Reevaluating what time I spend and how I spend it, is it really going to count in eternity?
  • Turning off distracting elements and being alone with God
  • Prayerful desire to hear His voice as you read and study His Word
  • A deeper prayer life (one that goes beyond the basics and speaks heart to heart)
  • An outward show of difference (genuine not flashy)
  • Sincere desire to do what God says and encourage others to follow Him
How much of your time is "given" to God? Consider, in the end, whenever that is, did that college football score really matter? Did the reason for missing church to go to another function really hold its value? Did your desire to know God on the surface really suffice when everything looks bad in life? There are more sobering questions to ask, but we need to understand the all importance of knowing who God is and preparing us for Eternity.

Wisdom is the one thing that man needs most but has the least of. King Solomon saw its need so much that it was what he asked for when God presented Him with a one request blank check. That should teach us how important this is. Today is the training ground for tomorrow, and tomorrow for Eternity. Just as one who runs a race does not wait the night before to practice to see if he or she can do it, we also must remember to "redeem" the time, make the most of it. Life has a dead line. Are you finding the hands of the clock spinning out of control, wishing they would stop? We can't stop the progress of time, but we can use it. Lets use it this week to find out more about Jesus.

Father, help me to not neglect the most important element of my life, You. Put within me a devout desire to read Your Word, devote more time to Prayer, and have a better desire to spend time with You. Thank you that you are not a myth or figment of some clever invention, and that You are interested in me. Thank you for letting me come to you with faults, sins, joys, victories, and all the rest. Thank you that You hear me and that you have promised to be with me and give me a Heavenly home. As you have done so much for me, help me to devote myself so much more to you. In your name, Amen.

Send this to a friend, and remember to keep your eyes upon the skies, Jesus is coming soon.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not How It Works In MY World

Scripture Reading

Not too long ago I was attending a customer in the place I work. She was picking up a photo order and the mother told her little daughter that such and such an amount of money has to be paid. The little girl figuring the amount up in her head came up with an answer to her addition and blurted it out. The mother said told her that sum was incorrect, and the girl blurted out, THAT'S NOT THE WAY IT WORKS IN MY WORLD!!! Just like the cartoon here. We all want things our own way. That's funny to think about, that is, until we look in the mirror and face up to the way we talk to God when we want our own way or something that He cannot out of His character do.

Coming to God in prayer and petition must be understood in three areas.

First of all, God dictates what God desires, we do not.

We are just privileged that the Sovereign God of all that is would even listen to us small creatures. To come to Him and start telling Him what needs to be done in our lives or in someone else's life must go out the window! God is by no means hindered without our help. Is this to say that He does not desire to hear our heart and even our complaints? No it does not. However, we must understand that this is GOD we're talking to! The same God that formed all that exists in every micro detail is the same identical God who gives you an audience. So many people in today's world view God as a common personage. Thankfully He sent His Son Jesus to dwell with us and in our flesh, but we must respect His Deity and Sovereignty. It is His world we live in and we go with what He says, because what He says is precisely what is going to happen no matter what.

Secondly, God desires our requests to be of His heart and not of this world. Simply put, our "world" is to wrapped up in His plan. We come to the greatest impass when we try to box in God by human limitations. We wonder why He doesn't give us this or allow that. Do we realize when we come to Him, we are to forsake all the old stuff that used to be our habits and lifestyles and come to Him with His purposes in mind. This must be the hardest yet most necessary lesson for us to learn. The Christian life is all about stripping off the old caked layers of this life and putting on a whole new mind and heart as Christ has. Consider framing your conversations with Him to be willing to have Him be glorified rather than us. When we seek His heart in the matters we are engaged in, He will act on our behalf and tailor His solution to fit our circumstances. To ask God to do anything that is laced with worldly desires would be like asking your earthly father to do something that would be vile and totally against all his morals and principles.

Thirdly, God is interested more in the world ahead of you than the world beneath you. When we draw away from God we retreat in our world where we somehow think that all that we plan or strive for is right and without fault. If left to our own perception and sight, its hard to tell where we would be. One thing is most sure, it wouldn't be God's best and it very well could be disastrous. God however interrupts our little plans and little world by showing up with a plan that is far more forward in sight and design. So many people, people you know and work with can only seem to see the weekend or what they will do tomorrow. God on the other hand looks at a person life as one would a panoramic photograph. He scans it left to right, end to end to see the whole picture and enact what is best for us. The Apostle Paul reminds us 1 Corinthians 15:13, If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." In other words, should Christ let us go our own way, doing our own thing, never caring to readjust the course of our lives to the better He sees ahead, He would be the most cruel and uncaring Being ever known. But God does act in our behalf, He is working in us for something better, not just something immediate. To act or pray according to the dictations of this world is so faulty and useless that God is not moved to hand us what we sometimes want. He knows it can be junk and without lasting value. That is why He sent His Son into the world to die, so that we might have a better life than what is detailed down here on Earth and certainly better than the dungeon of Hell. His aim is to make you more like Him and exalt you in due time better than we can exalt of live it up for ourselves.

Do you approach God with a "my world" mentality? Are the dictations of your heart and spirit concerned only with what will benefit this life? Do you find yourself desiring to have it your way? If so, let's be honest and confess that God is a better Master of our life than we. My "world" and your "world" will one day lie in smoldering ashes, but as Martin Luther remarked in his song, "His {Christ's) Kingdom is forever." We as believer's are the recipients of the Kingdom's blessings and King. Our pathways end in destruction. His pathways end in everlasting Glory.

Father, help us today to be desirous of what You want and that our hearts might be in tune with Your world for Your Saints. Forgive us as we take our eyes off Your best and desire our least. May it be that we shall one day be confident in saying, "my life is Yours unreserved." In your Name, Amen.

Forward this to a friend and keep your eyes upon the skies, Jesus is coming soon!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Preparation For The Road Ahead

Scripture Reading: Luke 24:13-27

Have any of you been involved in the Boy or Girl Scouts of America? Of course we know the famed motto of the Boy Scouts and that is, "Be Prepared." How often have we gone through life not following that advice only to wish we had.

When we come to a transition in life, its kinda like an intersection on a roadway. We know the pathway to go, now its time to survey the way ahead and make sure we have what's needed to then go ahead. The image at left depicts the men on the Emmaus road, who were disheartened at the event of the Savior's death. They were trodding down a road feeling rejected, sorrowful, inwardly beaten, and disillusioned. We have all felt this way at some point of time, maybe you are right now. Thus we all come to a new pathway to take. How we go about it says largely how we prepare before we travel it.

Let's talk a minute about the need for preparation. What do we mean by this? I'll never forget one time I was an assistant Boy Scout leader and our cub scouts were on a hike. Well, boys you know like to romp around, not always watching where they are going and some of them stomped unknowingly on a hornets nest. Imagine the next few minutes...angry hornets bent on revenge defending their domicile, crying little boys smarting over the whelps left on them, and a frenzy of excitement over the whole matter. The bad thing was, none of the dads on the trip carried any sort of first aid. In my scout backpack (which ironically I had a Native American medicine symbol sewed on it) had only a tube of anti-biotic cream to spread on the wounds. Fortunately no one fell valiantly on the trail, but the point was that we had gone unprepared and it cost us.

The men on the road to Emmaus who had triumphantly been with Jesus a few days before had not been prepared to face what had now occurred...the death of the Savior. Unbeknown st to them, the Resurrected Jesus shows up. The passage in Luke tells us how the men explain to Jesus all that had happened and was assured this stranger was totally stupid as He had not heard what had happened! Jesus saw their distress and knew that what had happened to them came as a result of the unprepared hearts. On the way to Emmaus the Master took time to explain to them the whole plan of the Messiah, and to assure them that what had happened was not only necessary, but on time and as it should be just as the prophets said. If we are to face what lies ahead in the road ahead, we NEED to be grounded in God's truths, so that we don't lose confidence in Him. Just as food is vital to our existence, so we need God's word to nourish us and help us stand firm like a boulder in a rushing river.

The second step in preparation is to survey what lies ahead. The pathways of this life lay strewn with problems, heartaches, temptations, storms, distresses, etc. Not a pleasant picture to envision. In fact this whole life is a fierce raging battle that you and I as believer's are deeply engaged in. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:15 to walk circumspectly, or plainly, to be always looking all around you on guard. It is foolish to stroll through life so carefree that we ignore danger or pretend it does not exist. I am not saying that we should shake in fear but to be wise enough to know we need God's help to navigate life in the bad times as well as the good.

Lastly, preparing for the road ahead needs a fresh encounter with God. The two men walking with Jesus did not know it was Jesus until they invited Him to their house. The Master broke bread with them and instantly it was revealed to the men who He was. If we are to move forward, our eyes need to be open and are hearts receptive to His presence. We do this by
  • confessing any sin that pervades our life
  • having a desire to be led by Him and not our own strengths
  • studying His Word and asking for His help in prayer
  • praising Him for His goodness and faithfulness

It's so good to know that He is on our side, but its so reassuring when we have done for us an act that can only be attributed to God. Perhaps such an act will be one of deliverance from some trial, or perhaps it will be just the reassuring still small voice in your heart, but the point is that God will show Himself to us as we serve Him and step in a new pathway, or perhaps regrouping in a respite on the same pathway we have been walking.

Are our hearts and lives prepared for the road ahead?

Father, help us to look to you as our source of strength. Help us O God not to go off on some pathway of life without having your Word and your Spirit prepared in our hearts. If we trust in ourselves, our failure is eminent. Help us to be wise enough to see You as all sufficient and willing to guide us. Protect us Lord from the snares of the Devil and lead us into pastures of blessings that we may bring more praise and thanksgivings due your name. Thank you for taking the time to help us and prepare us as we travel this road of life. Amen.

if this post has been a blessing to you please forward it to a friend. Remember to keep your eyes upon the skies, Jesus is coming soon.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Support For The Road Ahead

Scripture Reading: Joshua 1

The day is April 12th 1945. The place, the White House. Vice President Harry S. Truman had been summoned there. In Warm Springs Georgia, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was sitting for a portrait and grabbed his head and fell over. The situation did not look good. A White House aide came to find the Vice President in the White House gardens. The message was important. The President of the United States was dead. All of the sudden this huge weight of leading the nation, still caught up in the Second World War came to Harry Truman. He found a very saddened Eleanor Roosevelt in the White House corridor. Harry was heartfully sorry for her, and asked her gently if there was anything he could do for her. Despite her grief she replied, "is there anything we can do for you Harry, you are the President now."
As the historical photo shows, Harry S. Truman was soon sworn in as the Commander in Chief after a long legacy of FDR, a man who had reshaped America and had been the longest elected President in our nation's history. What a moment that must have been for Mr. Truman.

Similarly this account reminds me of what Joshua the servant of the Most High God faced as God told Joshua that Moses, the nations only leader was dead. Now Joshua was to be the leader of Israel. I wonder if Joshua and Harry Truman found some common emotional ground here? Nevertheless, the profound statement Eleanor Roosevelt made I believe should be the supportive cry of us all when our earthly leaders leave us.

As Christians we need to realize that these bodies we live in are only temporary and are only tools for God's use. When the tool has finished its usefulness, the soul leaves to its reward. However that does not mean all that one has done needs be left to rot. God's servants leave behind a work unfinished or at least finished as far as they can take it. Now it is up to someone else to carry on that work. What can we do when this happens?

First, depending on our position and relation to the leader that has left, we are to step up and fill the gap as our abilities and the Lord's will sees fit. We cannot sit back and let the burdens all fall directly on one person. One great aspect of the church I attend is that we have such a great team of leadership that when one person leaves for whatever reason, there are plenty ready to pitch in and fill the gap until a new member who best suits the missing position is found. So many churches falter because no one is willing to take on responsibility. Our Lord told the 11 disciples before His Ascension to make disciples of all men. That is to make those who will carry on the work of God after the 11 had passed on to Glory. That is precisely our role today, to carry on in the nursery, the parking lots, the deacon/elder board, the greeting team, the ushers, the custodians, the outreach group, the benevolence ministry, etc. Keep on, keeping on. God's ministry has not yet been finished, it relies on you.

Secondly, we need to be verbally and actively supportive of our leadership. The saying goes, we can't all be the boss, certainly applies. The church is strong because of its leaders and workers combined. But if you are involved in leadership you know how valuable it is to know that your team is behind you. Like Harry Truman, in the hardest hour, what a comfort it is to know you're not without help or support. How do we support our leaders. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Most importantly, keep them in constant prayer
  • Inquire what you can do to help them, either in ministry or in their personal lives (i.e. run errands, help with house repairs, help with smaller tasks so they can focus on larger ones. etc.)
  • Encourage them when you see they may be going through some deep waters
  • Show acts of kindness to them as the Lord directs

Just as it is wonderful to know that the Lord Jesus stands for you and behind you, so it is with our human relationships to know that we are behind our leaders ready to help, ready to support, ready to throw in our words and actions of support. The Bible is full of such accounts of human relation support. Let's take the same action as the saints of old.

The support we give honors our Lord and Master and we help grow His church, come what may.

It was in the days of old as an army marched toward its foes, it did so in a long straight horizontal line. As an artillery shell or some other weapon blasted a hole in this line, the men would come up from rear ranks and fill the gap, reinforcing the battle line. What a picture of Christian service!

Layperson, as long as we are in the world our leaders will come and go. Our mission and work though stays the same, stand and serve. If you find yourself a leader now facing a new challenge in the sudden absence of your leader, look ahead in confidence, the Lord Himself is going before you, and we the workers stand behind you.

If this post has been a blessing to you, forward it to a friend. Keep your eyes upon the sky, Jesus is coming soon.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How About Your Heart

Many people will make impressions on you early on in life. One such person was Brother Carl Johnson, an evangelist from the Beckley WV area. As a child, I perceived him to be quite old as he had white hair and reminded you of an old time preacher (which I suppose he was). He stayed at our house during some of his meetings and he always carried a guitar with him. Carl is now with the Father, but we have his voice on an old cassette tape. One song I remember seeing and hearing him sing at our church was, "How About Your Heart." One verse and a chorus I offer for your reflection says this,

"Friend how would you feel if your heart were made with a window on each side?  So that all would know, not for outward show, but does Christ REALLY abide?  People often see you as you are outside, Jesus really knows you,  for He sees inside. How about your heart, is it right with God? That's the thing that counts today."

That is a pointed question, pointed at all human hearts, that no one will one day avoid an answer. A preacher once said, "God rules all things but one, and that is the human heart." It took me a while to see the point, and now I agree. Not that God cannot sovereignly rule the heart, but He let's you and me make a choice to follow or flee, to serve or to turn away, to confess Him or deny Him. In essence, we hold the condition of our heart in our own hand as the photo shows.

Physical Heart Disease is so rampant in the United States. The reason for this is largely brought upon ourselves as our eating is out of control or we do not get enough exercise. We have made a choice to damage ourselves. Without God's Son Jesus Christ in your spiritual life (your Heart) you're doing the same damage only the Eternal consequences are ultimately beyond repair and even beyond the imagination.

For a believer, sometimes we begin to desire to rule our own hearts with our own self advancements. It is important to note we cannot become eternally condemned, but we can become Earthly miserable. When we draw ourselves away from prayer, Bible reading and study, fellowship with the Saints, ministering to needs of others, our hearts get out of shape and even hardened.

Is it possible for a believer's heart to be hardened towards God? The simple and sad answer is Yes. When we sin and habitually desire to turn from what God prescribes we lose ground in ourselves. It's like cutting off the food supply we enjoy day after day. It is said that man can go without food for weeks, but without water for a couple of days before dying. Why do we desire to stray and inevitably starve ourselves from His presence? The longer we stay away, the harder and more selfish our hearts become.

What are some signs of a hardened heart?
  • A lack of daily prayer

  • Going long periods without personal Bible reading

  • Having no song of praise on your lips

  • Disgust for the preacher and the preaching

  • Lack of church attendance

  • Grumbling against God for whatever situation or reason

All of us have some form of the above in us now, its our sin nature at work, but we do not have to let it be dominate. Do you find yourself struggling in one of these areas? Has your love for God and His Word flickered? Such a sign is dangerous if it goes unchecked. The end result is a miserable hopeless life experience that has little to offer or receive.

It is good for us to examine ourselves in the Faith. Paul encourages us to do so in 2 Corinthians 13:5. We don't like to do that, lest we find something that doesn't belong in our lives. Christ wants nothing more than for our hearts to be like His. The Great news is, to be reconciled to God is simply a matter of prayer in genuine confession and repentance.

In this world our physical heart can be bypassed to be healed. Fortunately our God can take what is broken and restore it without bypassing any of His love, truth or holiness.

If you find your heart away from Him consider praying with me,

Lord Jesus, my heart is far from you and it is entirely my fault. I claim 1 John 1:9 and desire you to rekindle my desire for you to be Master of my life. Please forgive me from straying and having it my own way. Be my way and source of guidance from this day on. Amen.

If this blog has been a blessing to you please pass it on to a friend.

Photo by Jon Browning

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Give and Take Prayers, Part 2 of 2

Last time we were reading together, we were discussing how a majority of our prayers are more request or "taking" oriented. That is OK given the proper attitude. However, in our personal prayer times we should remember the giving as well.
In fact, if we were to do anything better in our prayers it should be this attitude and action of Giving. What do we mean by giving? Giving to God? Giving what to God?

Isn't it interesting that we fall so short of seeing God as a genuine person with feelings. We rightfully think of Him as a Sovereign Being with Omnipotence and judgement at His disposal, but we seldom see the nature of His loving heart. He desires we give back to Him. You see the painting here in the article, it is called simply "Grace." This painting (a copy) has hung in my Grandma's house for as long as I can remember. So simple it is in its imagery, yet how profound in its message. The subject of the painting is simply doing what God delights in the most. Giving thanks. All the elements are present: the person, the Word of God, the daily bread, the soup, the utensils for eating, the table, but most importantly the attitude. It is most true that we as Christians can and should give back to God our money, our service, our talents and skills, our lives, but in all that He is more delighted when we give Him our heart of gratitude. When we pray, our hearts should be set on thanking Him for all things. When we do so we are expressing our complete dependence on Him and we are grateful that He so mighty should favor us wonderfully the lowly.

My dad's side of the family at the dinner table, usually at Christmas, would call on me to "return thanks." I always thought that an odd saying, but you know when we pray that is what we do. We return our thankfulness and point it to the ear of the Almighty. As He has allowed others to be thankful for kind deeds we have shown them, so to shall we not all return our thanks for the immense blessings He has given us.

Simply put,
Everything that we are, everything that we have, every possession, every dollar, every skill, every morsel of food, every talent, every good memory, every joy, every hope, every ounce of bodily strength, every idea of mental capacity, every blessing in any form has all passed from His hand to our being. How dare we not acknowledge the Source as the Source has acknowledged us?

Perhaps the Psalmist David is the one most credited for offering praise and Thanksgivings the most to God. But it was the Apostle Paul who reminded us in 2 Corinthians 9:11 that we are Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. In the fourth chapter of this same book Paul speaks of His afflictions with thankfulness to God because it was being used for the sakes of his readers and to redound to the Glory of God.

We have Jesus Christ, need any other excuse in the heart for being downcast be created?
I forget, you do too, when things are tough and are more than what we consider to be our fair share of suffering doled out to us, we should remember Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary. What Calvary gives the believer is the supreme guarantee among many things that we are not always going to face illness, pain, loss, hurt, hardship, despair, loneliness, disease, wrongdoing, unprecedented and undeserved torture, etc. that One Day, most assuredly, because we place our trust in Jesus Christ and what He did at Calvary, all the former things Shall be passed away and Eternity holds no fear or trepidation for the saints. All of what we experience shall be swallowed up with death in everlasting hope and glory. Shall we praise God and give Him thanks?

Nothing can be named or spoken that can give God more joy than to hear the true heartfelt thankfulness given from His children's lips. Let's make more of our daily prayer time a simple time of giving.

Father, Thank You, for Jesus Christ our Savior and Hope. Thank you God for supplying all our needs as Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:19. Thank you for us having something to eat today and for our senses and our breathing this earthly air as it is a sign that you love us and are looking out for us. We have so much to give you thanks and praise for, help us not to be slack or vainly ritualistic in our offerings to you. Thank you Father for all the hope we have and the home awaiting us with all the saints for the unending expanse of Eternity. In thy name we praise, Amen.

If this posting has been a blessing to you, forward it to a friend. Images used are for non profit use on this blog only.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Give and Take Prayers, Part 1 of 2

How much of your personal prayer time is consumed with the "taking" or the asking? Would you say 50% or more? I have to admit when I pray it is 80% my asking that dominates the subject of conversation with the Father. I heard a speaker say that we come to God with a grocery list and go up and down the aisles wanting this, asking this, begging for that. I think that some of that reasoning is OK but not completely accurate.
Some of those folks who complain about us seemingly always coming to God with our lists really have no comprehension of our Father's desire for us to do so. One thing we need to understand is that we cannot understand who God is by judging Him or comparing Him with anything human. When someone comes to us with a long list of topics to discuss, our first reaction is to get tired of hearing all this. Not so with God. We forget our Father's ear. We forget that the very act of us coming to Him with that scroll of a list it showing that we depend on Him. God delights when we depend on Him and not on some other "source." We also tend to forget that He has not only an infinite storehouse of blessings but can sovereignly arrange people, events, actions, etc. to meet our needs.

In defense of that speaker I told you about, a constant running complaining attitude of prayer does not delight God's ears anymore than it would our own. When we pray, it is key to remember that we need to pray "in His will." This simply means that what we ask of Him, it is our desire to have whatever He deems that is best for us rather than having it our own way.

When I think of folks (myself majorly included) who have complained and wanted their own way, I think of Israel. Israel so desired a King they couldn't stand it. God desired the rulers were to be His appointed judges, but after unending complaints they got a King in the person of Saul. Saul was just like any other worldly king, and that was the problem, what they wanted was the very thing that would destroy them, and it did. How much better would we be if we waited on God.

However, briefly back to the point of taking in prayer, look at the butterfly photo above. The bush it is attached to is a "butterfly bush" whose very name is because it attracts and supplies these creatures with good. God is like that bush. He doesn't mind how often we come to take of His Person, Time, Spirit, request needs. He is there for us as the bush is for the butterfly. Not to take Him up on His provisions and good nature is foolishness. Do you have a need today? Sure you do, we all do. Then be glad we have a Heavenly Father WILLING to hear us and being there to help us in place of us making it the best we can on our own.  Remember though, God does not respond to our cravings or will overlook things we desire that is not His best for us. We cannot come and treat Him like an ATM machine--push the right buttons and get what I want.  We should be so glad of this.  We don't always fathom the ends of our own desires, but He does, and answers for our good accordingly.

The Bible says in 1 John 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

Let's ask Him right now,

Heavenly Father, thank you for desiring to help me. Thank you I can come to you with my needs knowing that none are too great or too small for your heart. Lord, I desire your will in my need today. My need is _________________ and I am asking you to give the wisdom to know what you want and am asking you to provide a solution for me. May I have faith enough to believe you will answer and bring me the help I need. Thank you in your name. Amen.

If this posting has been a blessing to you, forward it to a friend.  Images used are for non profit use on this blog only.  
Image by Jon Browning